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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Strange Days At Liberty High

Dream 12.27.2017

I enter my high school, early in the morning. Students are gathering in the gymnasium awaiting the first bell. I'm standing in the hallway near the water fountains. I feel dizzy. I forgot to take my medicine this morning. I rip out my medicine bottles and take a pill from each. I don't end up taking my medicine. I go to the bathroom. I stand at a urinal. While pissing, I notice I am alone. This brings a feeling of fear to me. I try to hurry my business so I can leave.

I walk back to the water fountains and just stare at the brick wall. I don't know how much time is passing. I look into the gym and see a phys. ed. class taking place. All of the students have gone on to their first period class. I didn't hear a bell ring. I didn't see a herd of students moving around the halls. I didn't hear the metal clanging of locker doors. Something is wrong with me.

I see the principal walking my direction. I stop her and tell her of my situation. She tells me to go to the bathroom and see if that helps. I don't go to the bathroom, but instead, I mosey on upstairs where my first period class takes place. I see a girl from my class walking down the hallway. Dark paint adorns her face. She gives me a look as if trying to be funny. I fall to the ground as if dying but it is fake. When the girl is out of sight, I get up and walk toward class.

When I arrive, I am terrified of going inside. My mind starts screaming. Anxiety bubbles up inside and I am frozen. I decide against entering the class but instead, I leave the school.

I am now inside my camper where my mother and I live. She is understanding of my leaving the school. She makes a call to someone, I do not know who. She starts listing names of doctors to the voice on the other side. While she talks, I play a racing video game where the cars represent famous movie monsters. I am play the Freddy Krueger car. You can win races and upgrade your monster car to make it more vicious. Dream ends.

I wake up 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mad Man

Dream 12.26.2017

I'm walking through a parking garage heading for work. I step into an elevator and press the button with a 2 on it. Before the elevator doors close, a man enters the space. On the ride up, the man pulls out a gun. "Wow," I say, "that's cool." I try to be kind to the stranger in case he is a mad man. He tells me that he is going to confront his girlfriend. I think he is going to kill her. He is a mad man.

The stranger likes me for some reason, maybe it's because I was kind to him. He asks me to accompany him on his confrontation. I do, only because I am afraid of what he will do to me if I say no. I have a feeling that I will be late for work.

We make it to the top floor of the parking garage. We walk around the circular garage looking for his girlfriend. I am licensed to carry and I always keep a holstered 9mm on my hip loaded with hollow point rounds. I feel for the gun but it isn't there. Instantly, I know that I left it back at the elevator with my wheelchair. At one point, I tell the stranger that I need to get to work before I am late. He understands. I exit the situation. I head back to the elevator to get my gun.

I make it to the level below where the stranger walks. I notice several young guys who seem to have something on their mind, rushing toward the stranger. I walk by a few security guards sitting, talking at a table. Suddenly, I see the young guys chasing the stranger around the cars in the garage. The stranger makes it to me and hands me what looks like a Bursa Thunder .380 pistol. A gun that you could literally fit in your pocket. The stranger wants me to fight with him against the young guys chasing him.

I turn on the mad man. I aim my small pistol at his face and shoot. Although I hit him, he doesn't seem hurt. I shoot several more times at his face until he falls to the ground. He is then arrested and I am hailed as a hero. I walk to the elevator where I find my wheelchair and my gun. I fasten the holster to my belt and secure my pistol into it. A man stands nearby just staring in horror as if I am a dangerous criminal. I brush him off.

I finally make it to the elevator that takes me to my workplace. I am very late. I ring the buzzer. A voice comes on and starts yelling at me for my irresponsibility. I ask the voice to call down to the security department and ask them why I am late ( I'm hoping security tells them about the situation with the mad man). Since my boss is not letting me into work, I go for a walk.

While strolling down a sidewalk, I look up at a very tall tower. I can see large birds perched at the top. I wonder if there is such a job where people sit atop a tower and release birds to perch. And then, at the end of the day, bring the birds back inside to rest. That's a job I can do. Dream ends.

I wake up

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Miscellaneous #4

Dream 12.21.2017

I'm in my cousin's bedroom in Sandoval, Illinois. Two girls are with me. I am watching internet videos. The girls warn me not to watch a certain video. It shows a lady turning into a bunny. Her face becomes so grotesque. So deformed. It is haunting. I watch it and become terrified.

I'm in a race. Sort of like Mario Kart. My friend Adam and I find a shortcut in the track. In the shortcut, we find treasure. I don't think we win the race.

I sought counsel from a life coach when I was in the 6th grade. I had a kidney transplant at that time. The 6th grade comes after 5th. That was a long time ago. Longer than I had thought.

I am in another race. I am driving a car that looks like Doc Brown from Back To The Future. My car has the ability to fly. The track is not clear cut. I have trouble figuring out where to go. I definitely don't win this race.

My friend's mom is the coach of the soccer team. She asks me to retrieve a soccer ball that got stuck in the net. The net is 20 - 30 feet high. The ball is stuck at the very top. Piece of cake. I start to climb but as I get higher, I become scared. I don't retrieve the ball. I ponder buying a new soccer ball for the team since I wimped out.

I am walking through my home. It is dark. It is night. I am alone. I look over toward the kitchen. On the microwave is a book about Resurrection Mary, the ghost that is seen around the city of Chicago. I become terrified just knowing that the book is in my house. I try to not think about it. I walk into the kitchen looking for a half-eaten bag of Chex Mix. I find it on top of the microwave, next to the book. Dream ends.

I wake up

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

City In Ruins

Dream 12.19.2017

The city in which I live has been decimated by a bomb. Soldiers have taken rule over the area. I don't know whether they are good or bad. My family and I hide in a mansion apartment. We turn off all the lights in the house except for the room in which we stay, so as not to arouse suspicion. This room has no windows so we are safe. Occasionally, I sneak through the remains of the city to hunt for supplies.

We are running low on food and other items. Somehow, I am able to see that Glenn Beck is living in a thriving community across the city near the sea. I feel that if we can make it to him, we will survive. We make the trek. When we arrive, everybody is eating grilled chicken. My mouth waters at the sight. Dream ends.

I wake up

Saturday, December 16, 2017


A Nightmare From The Past

At my childhood home in Middletown, Indiana. I see my brother-in-law, Chad, down the hallway. I say hello. He looks robotic. He hurries down the hallway and stabs me with a knife. He also carves out a piece of my flesh. I now have a baseball sized hole in my belly. I should be dead but I am not.

Chad has taken my cat, Tandy, and either killed it or given it away. He has then bought a new cat that looks like Tandy but replaced its claws with needles.

I see Leatherface in the hallway. I close the door and lock it. He's not trying to get into my room but I need to escape anyway. On the ceiling, there is a vent. I try to pull myself up into it but struggle to do so. Dream ends.

I wake up


Dream 12.16.2017

My family has traveled in an RV to a small town. We are staying in a cabin next to several swimming pools. At night, everyone is called out of the pool for a live performance next to the big slide. I'm a bit annoyed that they have to make everyone get out of the pool. What if some people don't give a rip about the performance?

I walk into the cabin and find two attractive girls. I don't know their names. The two girls and I find an abandoned house where we have sex.

My family and I pack up the RV and drive to a house in a bad part of town. We stay there overnight. While upstairs in the bad house, I hear gunshots down the street and downstairs where my mom is staying. My mom is not hurt.

We pack up the RV and start to leave until one of the guys in our RV wants revenge on the person who shot the gun downstairs. He jumps out of the RV. I follow. We run up to a random house and he pulls out a can of yellow spray paint. He sprays a nonsensical symbol on the front door. He then runs to the next house and does the same thing. He repeats this action. A police cruiser drives up the street. I yell at the man, "The cops are here!" He continues his high art. I run back to the RV.

We drive up the street trying to find our guy. We follow the yellow, painted front doors. One after another. Gibberish. Nonsense symbols. We finally see him. He jumps back into the RV.

We make a pit stop at a nearby gas station where we run into a police officer. Most of us stay quiet in the RV, hoping that he doesn't catch us. It's against the law to have a lot of people in an RV at one time. The cop takes one of our people and shoves them into his car. It's possible that we talk the cop out of taking them. Dream ends.

I wake up

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sunday, Another Time, Another Place

Dream 12.13.2017

We're passing through a drab amusement park. Nothing special. Except for a green, steel roller coaster. We step up to the coaster with excitement and fear, both rolling around our stomachs like clothes in a dryer. I look at the riders before us. One girl is screaming and writhing. I don't think it's because of the thrill ride. It seems to me that she has a demon inside of her. We bypass this coaster and leave the park.

Now, at my childhood church in Anderson, Indiana, I watch the worship team play their set. Some of the people on the team are young and inexperienced. One of the singers, a boy in his early teens, is clearly tone-deaf. For some odd reason, they have two drummers. I walk outside the church building, which looks curiously like a barn. For some reason, I jump into my dad's white Ford F-150 and drive it around the small church parking lot. If my dad finds out what I am doing, I will be in a load of trouble. I go to park the vehicle but have an enormous amount of trouble. Eventually, I give up and leave the vehicle where it is.

While the service continues, I walk around to the back of the church where I find woods. A radio blasts music. I can't find the source. I think I hear someone working back here.

I walk into a nearby garage where one of the church goers is working. I don't talk to him. My friend, Ryan, is here. He criticizes the church goer, saying that he never keeps this garage clean. Funny enough, after Ryan's criticism, the church goer and another man clean the garage until it is spotless. I then find my dad's truck parked inside the garage. Dream ends.

I wake up

Not Of This World

Dream 12.13.2017

I am introduced to a person. She is not human. Some would call her a monster. She has purple skin. Three arms and hands, two on her left side and one on her right. Her arms are also abnormal in size, much larger than they should be. She has ears similar to Shrek. I am told that she is called a "Schleak." There are many of these persons popping up all over the world. Not all of them look the same. Some have Caucasian skin with purple eyes. But one thing is for sure. They are not of this world. Dream ends.

I wake up

Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Dead End

Nightmare 12.8.2017

I am living in what I can only guess is a submarine or an old, turn-of-the-century steamer. The hallways are dark and cold. The floors and walls are metal. The ship isn't necessarily abandoned but it's also not beaming with life.

I pick my own room. I choose a room and decorate it. I've turned a bland, colorless room into a cool man cave. It's a place in which any man would be proud. There are three doors in my room. The main door leads to the rest of the ship, where everyone else exists. Another door leads to a large conference room that nobody uses anymore. The last door, leads to a corner of the ship, a dead end, that has been forgotten. I regret choosing this area to make my room because of the door that leads to that dead end, dark, scary corner of the ship.

I have my mom over to show her my room. She is impressed. She is happy for me. I tell her that I have six or seven other bedrooms. The door to the dead end is open. The light from my room illuminates part of the hallway but quickly fades to darkness. In the midst of smiles and laughter, I glance down the dark hallway and see a black mass. A monster staring back at me. I grab my mom and we run. We run toward the part of the ship where everyone else exists. Where there is life again. Closing and locking every possible door behind us.

We hide quietly in a random room, hoping that the monster will simply pass us by. After a long time, we walk into a room where a high school friend, Korie, lives. The monster is lying on her floor, motionless. It has changed shape into a morbidly obese woman. It looks similar to Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Korie tells us that she sucked the air out of the monster and spit it into the DVD player. Nightmare ends.

I wake up

Sunshine On My Shoulders

Dream 12.8.2017

My family is on vacation in a beach community. I believe Florida. My mom and I go browse some of the nearby shops. I look at a sign that says "Men's Watches." Everything below the sign is for women, not men. I eventually find a Timex watch that I like with a band that changes colors. I show my mom. She buys it for me. It will be a Christmas present. I look at my new watch and a new pair of blue jeans, both purchased by my mom and think to myself that I am pretty blessed.

We return to the hotel room, which is literally ten feet from the ocean. I walk out, prop my elbows up on the handrail and look out at the beach. There is a couple of strangers standing near me. My social anxiety creeps up and I walk back into the hotel room.

My family goes to the beach. My sisters and I keep asking our parents if we can get into the water but they won't let us. They worry about our safety. We walk down the beach. I look out toward the ocean. There is now a canal between the sand and the ocean. The canal comes onto the land and enters a dark tunnel. Boats that are designed to look like giant sharks are exiting the tunnel and headed for the ocean. My sisters and I run down the canal. My parents stay on the beach.

We find ourselves under a bridge where many young people are sitting around, talking and playing games. A beautiful black girl comes over to me. Out of nowhere, I kiss her on the lips. Her breath is terrible. She asks me where the locker rooms are. I look over my shoulder. I point her in the right direction. Dream ends.

I wake up

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Hollywood, Indiana

Dream 12.6.2017

A superhero movie is being filmed at my childhood home in Middletown, Indiana. I try to mingle with the actors as much as I can. They are famous!

The movie takes place in the 1940's or 1950's. The superheroes are not from either the Marvel or DC universes. Their suits are colorful. One man has a machine on his shoulder that comes over to cover one of his eyes. I believe the machine shoots lasers.

In one scene of the movie, the superheroes have to go into an office with water covering it. They then have to go underwater where they would find a gate. They shoot the gate with a laser and burn a hole into it. They swim through the hole and find themselves in a secret room.

Another scene shows one of the heroes turning on his team. They kill him in self defense but then stick him in an electric chair to burn his remains.

I watch from the french doors at the back of my house as they film in my backyard. I would love to go out and watch but I am not welcomed. Later on, when they are finished filming in a certain area, I walk out and look at the set designs. There is a ramp used for an intense car chase scene. There is a tall table with a chess set on it. I wonder what that was used for in the movie. When looking at the chess set, a strong wind blows through my yard and some of the set falls over.

The last scene of the movie shows the villain capturing one of the superheroes' kids along with the superhero parents. The villain forces the kid to hold a grenade, turn her back to her parents and throw the grenade over her shoulder (much like a bride would throw the bouquet at her wedding). The grenade flies through the roof and clears the parents. They are unharmed. Dream ends.

I wake up

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Birth Of A Pastime

Dream 12.3.2017

I've made it. The big leagues. I'm on the baseball team. My friends dad is the coach. Many of my high school friends have made it as well.

I'm up to bat. I hit the ball so hard, it must be a home run. It isn't. But I do make it to first. The bases are arranged in a weird manner. On first, second and third, there are two bases; a square base and a home plate. While standing on first. One of my teammates stands on the first base home plate and bats. I have to watch out that I don't get beamed.  When he hits, I run to second. When it looks as if I have a chance, I steal for third. Right before I arrive, the ball gets thrown to the third baseman and he tags the base. I'm out. I throw a fit. I punch the tin siding on the dugout. I sit back on the bench. My teammates don't say a word to me.

Another day, we are playing the Ku Klux Klan. They are even dressed in their ghostly sheets. It seems that the KKK doesn't want to play baseball but rather pick a fight. The ghosts walk into our dugout and start swinging. We fight back. People are dying left and right. I find a hole in the back of the dugout and make a run for it. Triple H from the WWE starts chasing me.

We then drop into, what I can only guess is, a wormhole. It does remind me of Interstellar. Also Tron. I run through grids, times and spaces. Triple H and another guy are behind me. I get away when Triple H and the other guy fall through loose grids. (I then take on their perspective). Somehow they escape the wormhole.

Triple H and the other guy drive through American desert, an abandoned wasteland. Something bad happened while we were stuck in the wormhole. Possibly a nuclear war. A creature gets into the car with them. It's merely the size of a grown mans fist. It kills the one guy but lets Triple H live. The wrestler and the creature fall in love. They drive back to Texas where, I think, the baseball game occurred. Dream ends.

I wake up

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Dream 11.22.17

My friend Tim and me are at a store. I think it's Menards or Lowes. We exit from the back of the building and jump the fence. Passed the fence is a grassy hill. As I walk up the hill, I rip grass out of the ground. Someone from the store sees me and becomes angry. Many people are after me, including Tim's dad. I run and escape their sight.

I board a train along with one or both of my sisters. The train is the top bleachers of Liberty Christian School (The Washington building). I stand there and talk to my sisters and Tim. My crime wasn't horrible. I think if I stay away for a while, the authorities will forget about me and I will be free again. Dream ends.

I wake up


Dream 11.21.17

I'm roaming the streets of New York City. I look up at those beautiful twin towers as I pass underneath them. The Impractical Jokers have a restaurant now. I find my family. We walk through narrow alleyways. We stand in front of the large, front window of the Impractical Jokers restaurant. Inside, standing near a table, I can see James Murray. My sister knocks obnoxiously on the window and when Murr looks, I wave at him. We come in and sit down. I tell my sister to get her phone ready. I pull Murr aside and ask if I can take a picture with him. He is annoyed but obliges. We take a picture. I say something to him which annoys him even further.

Later, my family and I go to a water park. I stand in line for a tall water slide. For some reason, I leave the line. When I return, it is even longer. I finally make it to the top. In order to get on the slide, you must climb down a ladder inside the tube. Several kids and teens cut in front of me. It's frustrating but I keep quiet. Dream ends.

I wake up

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Camp Stupid

Dream 11.18.17

I'm living at my old house in Middletown, Indiana. My family and I grow many animals. These animals are not earthly. For example, there is one that has the shape of a tadpole but is big and hairy like a groundhog. He hides in a bush. I try to get him out but am unsuccessful. Later, I find him dead in a fish tank. I put on a pair of rubber gloves and fish him out.

We hear a noise in the cornfield across the street. My sister, Morgan, runs toward the field. This scares me because who knows what is out there making that noise. She disappears in the corn. I hear other voices. I walk inside the crop and find a few strangers. One of them may or may not be a witch.

A youth camp is being held at my house. My dad is one of the leaders. We are being divided into two teams - red and blue - for sports and activities. The red team gets first pick. The leaders of the camp, including my dad, pick the three most athletic kids in camp to be on the red team. Then, they only pick one person for the blue team and then return to red. By the time the teams are chosen, one can see a huge difference in the two. The red team is by far the superior force. The blue team is filled with weaklings and nerds. I am on the blue team. The red team members are wearing red colored raggedy Ann wigs.

I am not usually someone who speaks out for the cause of fairness. I think "survival of the fittest" is fair enough, but this is just ridiculous. I stand up and confront the leaders in front of everyone. I slowly walk toward them as I ridicule their bias decision of picking teams. I walk over a bridge. There is a bridge in my house. By the time, I am done speaking, I am standing right in front of them. My dad pulls me aside to talk.

The teams are disbanded. They are then reassembled in a more honest manner. While this is being done, I go and stand by myself with my arms crossed. I can tell that the former red team members are angry with me. They had a winning team and I threw a wrench in their plans. In my mind I think that they probably don't like me but they at least respect me for standing up to injustice. I find out that I am still on the blue team, which is fine, since they are more even now. A few individuals on the teams have different colored bands on their sleeve. One boy with a band is told that he will be the medic for the blue team. He starts hyperventilating, saying that he himself has medical issues and cannot accept the duties of the medic. I find that I have four different colored bands on each of my arms. They tell me that I am the foreigner of the team. I have no idea what that means.

There is a boy at this camp. He is pale and bald. He looks like Jason Voorhees as a child or a war boy from Mad Max: Fury Road. Something is odd about this boy. I don't think he is human. It may be a little redundant at this point, but this is just the way my mind works, I think he is a demon. His face reminds me of Chucky from Child's Play. He gives everyone trouble. My dad tells me to watch the boy while he goes somewhere. Somehow, I shrink the boy. He is now 1 inch tall. I keep him in a small dollhouse that I hold in my hands. With his demonic abilities, he continually morphs the dollhouse to give me trouble. I keep my fingers away from the windows for fear that he will stab me.

My dad returns. He needs to give the boy a bath. Someone later tells me that the boy looks like a crocodile lying in the tub. I can see into the future. I find that my dad will build onto this house, a small bedroom and invite this boy to live with us. The boy will then become a serial killer. I tell my dad this. It doesn't seem to phase him. After the boy gets out of the tub and dries off, I notice that he is taller and has hair. He is now an old friend of mine from middle school named Kirk. He puts his hand out and I shake it. Dream ends.

I wake up


Dream 11.17.17

My sister is throwing a rager. I am not invited. In fact, she tells me that I am not allowed. It's fine. I don't want to come anyway. I walk through the room that they are setting up for the party. I go underground and walk through what seem like miles of hallways. The halls remind me of the underground tunnels that connect IU hospital and Riley. Dark. Concrete. Dimly lit. Uncared for. (By the way, if you are ever at IU or Riley and want some real fun, go to the basement and take the original tunnel. It's good for a creepy thrill).

Somewhere throughout the miles long hallway, a door leads me to my room. The pad is set up very slick. A room made for a king. Or a prince not allowed to attend a simple gathering. What is the deal with that, anyway? I am twenty-eight years old and they still treat me like I'm a child.... you know what... forget it... it's just a dream. Dream ends.

I wake up

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Evil Woman

Nightmare 11/16/2017

I'm at my church. The Sunday service is just ending. I walk into the dimly lit sanctuary and a woman, whom I don't know, hands me her daughter. The daughter is about two years old. She is in a cute, white dress. The mother tells me that the daughter likes to get prayer at the end of the service. Somehow, I know that the daughter has cancer. I wait in the sanctuary as most of the congregation leaves. A person with the microphone then asks for anyone wanting prayer to remain standing. I try to stand but the girl is too heavy, so I sit. They don't know she needs prayer.

Several people gather in a section of chairs in the sanctuary. I believe this is a Bible study of some kind. I stay seated in this area. As the group sings worship songs, two women enter the room. As they seemingly try to find their seats, one of the women takes off her shirt. I notice this out of the corner of my eye. She then puts her shirt back on and starts to leave. One of the pastors follows her to the door and chews her out in front of everybody. "You've been doing this stuff since you were a child," he says. She leaves, furious. I have a sneaking suspicion that this woman will be back with a gun. And then Blast Off!!!

My mom and I leave the church and go to Wendy's. We stand in the drive-thru line. Nobody has cars. One girl is taking a long time to order. She then runs back to her car. She picks up a few dollars lying on the ground. They must've fallen from her purse. I am afraid that the shirtless woman is going to come shoot up the Wendy's. I convince my mom to leave before we order.

Back at the church, we sit among other individuals in a small Bible study. The study is held in a small room at the back of the church. We are the only people in the church at this time. During the study, we hear something way down the hall. The room goes quiet. One gentleman stands up and walks to the hall. He looks down both ways but sees nothing. All of a sudden, we hear gunshots. They seem to be coming from the same building. I start to run into the hallway to escape but then my mom tells me to escape out of another door. The door leads to the outside. We run into the parking lot as people behind us are shot. We make it to the truck. My mom stops for a moment as she sees a scratch or dent in the bumper. I yell at her to get in the truck. We leave. As we go, we lower our heads, for bullets are hitting near where we are. I think the shirtless woman is the shooter. Nightmare ends.

I wake up

Monday, November 13, 2017

Wonderful Wonderful

Dream 11/13/2017

I'm looking at a field from a birds eye view. This is a video game. Maybe League Of Legends. Maybe World of Warcraft. 

I am apart of it now. But it isn't the same. The game has changed. I walk into a house. I sit down in a chair. A large, black man walks in and sits down next to me. He starts talking to me about the positive aspects of socialism. He points to the TV in the room, "this guy explains it well," he says. The man on the TV is the same man from the show "Adam Ruins Everything." I point at the man and respond mockingly, "you mean, this pompous asshole?" The large, black man doesn't seem amused. I notice a tattoo on his arm. It either says "BUST" or "DUST." I leave.

I walk outside the house where a church service is taking place. Many people in the congregation are students who I graduated with from Liberty Christian High School. I see an old pal of mine, Kelson, pacing back and forth at the back of the room. I give him a nod as I walk past him. While standing at the side of the room, I notice Kelson walk into the same house that I recently exited.

I return to the house but instead of walking inside, I wander to the side of it. In the grass I find a long, winding rope. At the end of the rope, in the grass is written the word "BUST" or "DUST." I instantly know that that large, black man is very important. I walk to the back of the house where many people are playing a game similar to hacky sack. I interrupt the game and mess up the flow. One person in particular is angry at me for doing this. When I leave the area, he follows.

I find myself on a country road surrounded by woods. The angry man and his girlfriend are behind me. At one point, the man tells his girlfriend that he signed her up for a fight. She is furious because he didn't consult her first. While they argue in the road, I get away. Dream ends.

I wake up

Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Attack On The Asylum

Dream 11/12/2017

I'm walking down a hallway. I see a prisoner/mental patient wandering. I grab her and start directing her to her room. I notice her son is walking in the same hallway. I don't want him to see her for fear that he will become uncontrollable. I guide her into a stairwell as another employee detains the son. I take the mom downstairs into an area where the son will not find her. These patients have superpowers.

I walk into the basement where many doctors and nurses are hard at work. I am flirting with a girl named Cheryl. Her face is badly deformed. She almost looks like an alien.

I walk outside. The mentally insane mother and her son are walking toward the building. Forcefully. They are ready to strike. I run back inside and warn everyone in the basement of the oncoming attack.

The mom walks into the basement and turns into a large cow. She then grabs a nearby man and precedes to rape him. I run into the lab and yell, "I need a baby pig!" The doctor in the lab is growing baby pigs inside a glass case. "Baby pig coming up," the doctor yells. A little piglet runs toward my legs. I pick him up and run him over to the cow. He sniffs on the cow for a few seconds. I then shove him into the cow's butt. Dream ends.

I wake up

Friday, November 10, 2017

Start Your Engines

Dream 11/10/2017

I'm attending an internship in Texas called The Honor Academy. My mom has come to visit me. We sleep in the same bunk in a room full of bunk beds. It is early in the morning, still dark outside. On the wall is a poster. On one part of the poster it reads four Jamaicans. My mom, in the quiet room, asks what the poster means by "four Jamaicans." She then stands up and walks toward the bathroom. I stand up too but notice several other female interns walking toward the bathroom. I jump back in bed.

In the internship, we have been split into teams. Every week, someone from the team races in a NASCAR or quarter midget race. This week, one of my friends on the team is racing. At a weigh-in, the drivers cannot be over a certain weight. My friend is too heavy. It is then thought that I should drive instead. I do.

The final lap comes down to me and a girl named Katherine. I am first to cross the finish line. Cheers ring out from the stands. They hand me a trophy which looks like a wooden bowl. I run over to the stands where my team is sitting and hand them the trophy. The celebrating goes on. I ask a teammate if he thinks I am too old to try to become a professional race car driver.

My mom is sad. She also doesn't feel well. She pulls me aside and tells me that she is going to travel for a few days. No direction in mind. Just drive. I feel bad for her. A sick feeling manifests in my stomach as I watch her leave.

The internship has convened to a recreational building. I walk through the place. In one room, several people are messing around with instruments. My sister, Kristen, is here. Although my mom's leaving left me sad, I feel comforted seeing my sister. Someone asks me if I know how to play a certain song. I sit down at the drums. We mess around a bit. Dream ends.

I wake up

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Dream 11/8/2017

I'm working at a company called QRS. It is a recycling center. I am doing the landscaping. I bring my cat, Tandy, and let him run around. I have to admit, I am very nervous that Tandy will run away or get run over by a large piece of equipment. I keep an eye on him.

I start by mowing a hill. When I am done, I need to walk over to the hill on the other side and grab a flat wooden board. Then, I need to completely cover the wood with cupcakes and lay it on the freshly mowed grass. Then, the girls, I think they are cheerleaders, will come and take the board with cupcakes and return it to their building. I do this. When I am done, the hill is completely covered with boards, which are covered in cupcakes.

I walk over to the building where a bunch of men are working. I plan on mowing this area now. A bunch of cardboard is covering the grassy area, so I move it. I then get a call from my mom telling me that she is going to pick me up and I need to finish what I am doing. I look around and try to figure which is the most important area to mow. I settle on the front yard but then a guy named Ben tells me to mow another area. As he wishes.

I start mowing the area that Ben wants me to, which is the hill that I first mowed, just further down. As soon as I start the mower and move forward, I run over something. I cut the engine. My cousin, Quinn, runs over from the main building. I look at the object that I hit. I looks like some kind of Maritime equipment. Quinn makes it to where I am. I apologize to him. I offer to pay for the object that I destroyed. He says that it's okay but I know it isn't. I can see on his face that he is upset.

Later that day, my family, including Quinn, and me are over at the barn where the cheerleaders took the cupcakes. I don't see any cupcakes though. Just a bunch of farm equipment. Quinn points to an area of woods and reminds me of seeing something scary there. He then walks me deep inside the barn and shows me a room. The room is scary. I feel a heaviness here. I'm unnerved. I tell Quinn that I once walked in here with the lights out and I was alone. I didn't notice it until now, but Quinn seems a bit sinister. Just in the way he is talking and the look in his eyes. He isn't completely there. Something isn't right.

When the sun has gone down, my mom and I need to return to the barn. Maybe we want to see the scary room again. We try to turn on the lights but are unable to. We walk to the circuit breaker and try the lights there. For some reason, the lights will not turn on. Dream ends.

I wake up

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Dancing With Ghosts

Dream 11/4/2017

Josh Cannon, the Youtuber from the channel "Dancing With Ghosts" and "The Overstimulation Station" and "Not Your Grandfather's Vlog," lives in the same apartment complex in which I live. I secretly want to become friends with him and we could hang out and maybe he would even let me be in his videos. Sometimes, I go to where I know he lives and just wait, hoping that he walks by. Does this make me a stalker? Probably.

I reach out to Josh in an email or text message. I tell him that I like his channel and that we live very close to each other and would he want to hang out sometime. He does. Dream ends.

I wake up

A Place of Retreat

Dream 11/3/2017

I meet with a tall, black man for lunch. He reminds me of Jackie Chiles from Seinfeld. When our meal is finished, we go our separate ways.

My family and I explore a museum. Each room in the building is different from the last. At some point, we get split up. Much of the time, I am on my own.

Later that day, I receive word that the man I had lunched with has died. I am reminded of my own mortality as I always am when this tragic part of life occurs. One moment we are here and the next we are just a memory.

I am told that I need to travel to Cholula hospital. The man that tells me this reminds me that it's an hours drive but he doesn't tell me which direction. I know it is either one way or the other so I chance it. I start driving, hoping that in an hour, I will notice a hospital. Twenty minutes after getting on the road, I notice some schoolmates in the car ahead of me. They start waving their hands frantically. I pull over. They tell me that I am going the wrong way, that Cholula hospital is the other direction.

I park my vehicle and walk home. When I see my mom, I tell her that we need to pick up my car. Dream ends.

I wake up

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Nazis, Dolphins and Ghosts, Oh My!

Dream 11/2/2017

I don't know whether this is real life or a video game.

I'm inside a cathedral. The cathedral must be abandoned seeing as there is no rooftop and many of the walls are missing. In this place, with me, are many, many Jewish people. Down the road, not too far away, are Nazi's. They are hold up in a similar building as my own.

"The end is near," they tell me. "The Nazi's are coming," they tell me.

The Nazi's come. We do everything we can to hide. I look out to a vast desert and wonder if I can make it. The Nazi's are patrolling everywhere. Even if I tried to run toward the desert, they would surely see me and catch me and God only knows what they would do to me.

There is a boy and girl who take care of dolphins. They get in a boat and have the dolphins follow. They escape the Nazi's. They reach a land that is several days away. They have a shack over water for the dolphins to live. They have to rotate the dolphins from one end of the shack to the other. They do this several times a day.

One Nazi officer says that he will find these two who escaped. He uses something similar to Google Earth. He zooms in on somebody. To his disappointment, it is somebody different. The boy and girl are safe for now.

Near the shack is a building where a couple young boys live. They live at the top of the 3 or 4 story house. To get to them, you must climb a set of stairs and then a ladder leading to a trap door. When you open it, you find yourself in an attic similar to the one shown in the movie "Casper." The boys hang out the attic window overlooking the shack and the ocean. One boy jumps from the window and lands right in the canal in front of the shack. I jump as well, trying to land in the same spot, but instead, landing on land. I should be dead. I overhear the boy talking to the guy from the shack. "I don't want to work in that house anymore. I'm a good worker. If you hire me, you'll see," the boy says.

I go back to the attic. At the end of the room, I find a secret door that leads to a tiny storage space. I climb inside. A fat woman is walking around outside. I tell her, "hey, you should check this place out." She doesn't think she will fit. She tells someone else in the attic of how I wanted her to get inside the storage space but it's too small. They laugh at me.

My friends and I need to kidnap a certain child on an island near where we are. I'm unsure why this needs to happen. We travel to the island. It isn't far away. We point out the kid. We take him. Mission successful.

I tell my friend, Tim, about some ghost footage that I once saw of a ghost walking through a field. He has me look through a few kaleidoscopes. Inside, I can see footage of ghosts but it isn't the footage I was hoping to see. He gives me another kaleidoscope. I look into it. I see the footage of the female ghost walking across a field.

I am on a football field or near one. I use binoculars to scope out the action. I tell my friend, Tim, that I have never seen an actual football game before. Dream ends.

I wake up

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sleep Talk Halloween Special

For the first time in the history of the Sleep Talk blog, I am going to document another person's dreams, my mothers.

In the year 1996, my mom and me were sitting on my bed talking and she decided to tell me of a series of nightmares that she had had several years earlier, before I was born. When she told me the dreams, I was so unnerved that I jolted out of my bed and left the room. Since that night, I have never forgotten them.

The series of nightmares occurred within a week in the year 1987. At the time, my father worked nights and my mom was home alone with my older sister, Kristen,  a newborn.

The following is told by my mother's perspective.

First Night

I'm lying in bed late at night. My husband is at work. I am alone. I hear the front door slam downstairs. Dream ends.

Second Night

I'm lying in bed late at night. My husband is at work. I am alone. I hear the front door slam downstairs. I hear footsteps trudging up the stairs toward my bedroom. Dream ends.

Third Night

I'm lying in bed late at night. My husband is at work. I am alone. I hear the front door slam downstairs. I turn over in my bed and through the darkness, see a man sitting on a stool in the corner of my room. I can't make out his face. I hear footsteps trudging up the stairs. I hear someone come into my room. He walks over to my bed. I turn over, look up and see a man standing by my bedside. He gets in bed with me. Dream ends.

Fourth Night

I'm lying in bed late at night. My husband is asleep next to me. I look and see a man standing in the doorway to the hall. Dream ends.

I wake up

On the fourth night, my mom was so startled from her dream, she woke up screaming. My dad calmed her. They then walked through the house and prayed over each room. After that night, the series of nightmares ended.

Happy Halloween From Sleep Talk

Miscellaneous #3

Dream 10/31/2017

My dad and me are going to a movie. We never end up at a theater. We find ourselves in a large banquet room. The room is circular and has a hallway that wraps completely around.

I'm impressing my friends by rollerblading down a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs is a pile of junk. I fly over it. I overhear my sister talking to my transplant coordinator. Everyone else can hear the conversation as well. I run up the stairs to where they are talking. I pull out a large knife and drop it to the floor where they stand.

My sister tells me that my friend Joel just dropped his list of top friends and I was on it. That means a lot to me.

Everyone is leaving. I run through the building grabbing items that belong to me. A few blankets on the stairs, a pair of jean shorts etc. My family walked down into the basement and then outside. I come to the basement door but get scared to go down there. I wouldn't be scared if my family was still down there but they are outside so that means that when I go down the basement stairs, I will be alone in the basement and that thought scares me. Dream ends.

I wake up

Monday, October 30, 2017

Fat Pig

Dream 10/30/2017

I'm babysitting a pig. He's the fattest pig I've ever seen. A real butter ball.

The pig walks into my mom's bedroom. Scattered on the floor and bed are several packs of American cheese. The pig starts gobbling the cheese down. I'm sure it's not good for him so I intervene. The pig growls at me. I leave him alone.

I leave the room for awhile but when I return, I watch as the pig vomits all over the floor. I find piles of vomit all over the room. On the bed. On the floor. Everywhere. Dream ends.

I wake up

Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Well

Nightmare 10/29/2017

My family and I have returned to an amusement park in which we've visited many times. It's quaint. Not the best park in the land but my family seems to like it. I walk up to the main door and see a new ride called "The Haunted Mine." I excitedly tell my family that the park has a new ride.

We try out the new attraction. It's a slow roller coaster with few thrills. I'm disappointed. We exit the ride and see an indoor lake with a grassy bar leading around to a well. My family and I walk onto the bar to the well. We look down into it. The bottom is about twenty to thirty feet down. No water at the bottom. My dad stands up onto the well and falls to his death. The rest of my family falls in line. I look down at their still bodies. Deceased. An ache rolls through my chest. Dream ends.

I wake up

Saturday, October 28, 2017

On The Rocks

Dream 10/28/2017

We are in a stadium. Some friends are up in the stands. I've come down to the floor to search for money. There is a big maple tree on the main floor. Around it's base is a layer of old, composted leaves. I dig through the leaves and find a quarter. Enthusiastically, I catch my friends attention from the stands and show them what I've found. I continue digging. I dig down deep. I feel something. I think it is several quarters. I pull it up. In my hands are several minerals and gem rocks. They are shaved as if taken to a saw mill. They are heavy. If I learned anything from Jurassic Park it is this. If they are heavy, they are expensive. On the rocks, I notice price tags. One is $400.00. Another is $4000.00. I've hit a gold mine.

The President of the United States's office is right outside the stadium. I walk into the Oval office and find John F. Kennedy sitting there. I show the president what I have found. I think I'm hoping that since he is such a powerful man, he can pay me. A man walks into the office in a fury. I believe he is either a former president or in line to be president. He is angry at JFK. He and the president exit the office to have an argument.

When the office is empty, several teenagers and young adults come into the office. They are told that they cannot be here. In a whiny manner, one girl yells, "it's a free country!" I walk outside to a parking lot. I see JFK and the man arguing in a car. It's getting heated. I don't know if I should interrupt them or not about the kids in the office. I walk back into the Oval. Now the kids are taking things from the office. One girl takes the presidents chair. I walk over to where I laid the expensive rocks. Half of them are missing! I run out to where the argument is taking place. "Mr. President," I start, "people are stealing things from your office!"

JFK exits the car. He walks furiously toward his office. He takes the long way. When we get to his office, it is completely empty. Dream ends.

I wake up

Sunday, October 22, 2017

From Ashes To Ashes

Dream 10/22/2017

I am in downtown Indianapolis near a swimming pool. Without warning, the Salesforce tower, the tallest building in the city, collapses and falls to rubble. Many people are dead. As I look around, I see hundreds of piles of rubble that used to be buildings.

I catch a ride with some friends. We drive through the city. As we go, a giant wave of water chases us. We almost get stuck but eventually make it out.

When we leave the city, I notice that buildings have fallen everywhere. Even in small towns. What is happening? My mom texts me, Keith, are you ok?. I text her back. We head for home. I hope it's still standing. Dream ends.

I wake up

Fire Starters

Dream 10/22/2017

I am either a volunteer fireman or a passerby trying to help. A hotel is on fire. I run in to help the clean up process. There is a strangeness surrounding this fire. The strange thing is it keeps happening. Someone, presumably an arsonist, keeps setting fire to the hotel.

After much of the clean up is finished, I stay and keep watch over the hotel. Near the dumpsters, I see four people, dressed in black (including their faces), jump the fence and run toward the hotel. I chase them throughout the hotels hallways and rooms but am unable to catch them. Dream ends.

I wake up

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Non Compos Mentis

Dream 10/21/2017

My family and me are in Europe. I am in need of a kidney transplant. They match me with a younger boy. I have the transplant. I find out, not only did they give me one of the boy's kidneys, but they took half of my brain and transplanted it into the boy's head. We are now the same person in two different bodies.

I walk up to the kid, who is sitting on a bench with two other boys. "Me and you are the same person, you know," I say to him. He acknowledges the bizarre fact. "We should go to Guinness World Records or something, I'm sure this has never happened before," I say.

We walk down a European alleyway at night. A few bad men jump us and start shooting. A couple of passerby's die but my family is okay.

We return home to America. The young kid is now my half sister's son. I'm guessing she adopted him. He is recovering from the shooting. He has a broken jaw.

The effect that the brain transplant has had on the boy is scary. He starts acting like a comic book villain. His face is distorted. He chases me around roof tops throwing spears my direction. The spears have fire on them. We run around buildings. Down Hallways. Through city streets. He continuously tries to kill me. Dream ends.

I wake up

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Dream 10/18/2017

My sister, Kristen, brother-in-law, Chad, and I go to a military work-out session. Kristen and Chad are part of the military but I am not. However, they said I would be allowed to participate. We stand outside the front door among several other soldiers. While standing there, a woman soldier stabs another.

We walk into the building. I stay in the locker room, not feeling right about joining the work-out. A girl who I used to know named Emily is standing in the locker room. Neither of us speak to each other.

When the work-out session is over, we stand outside the front door once again. A girl I know named Kasey, who is a police officer, walks over to me and stabs me in the arm. I am worried because the blade went into my fistula, which is used for dialysis. Dream ends.

I wake up


Nightmare 10/18/2017

My family and myself are walking the streets of New York City. At one point, we look up and admire those two majestic World Trade Center Towers. Recently, the twin towers were bombed but didn't fall. A parking garage security guard tells us that one of the towers is not stable and is going to fall any day.

My family and I walk over to a Nathan's Hot Dog stand. I tell the vendor that I want onions, peppers, mustard and ketchup on my dog. I take a step out from under the hot dog umbrella and look up at one of the towers. I notice it swaying. Pedestrians and onlookers start to scream. The Tower is coming down. Not straight down but rather falling over like a giant tree.

We run in separate directions. My mom and I run toward the parking garage. The tower is falling our way. We dive to the ground at the outside wall of the garage. The tower hits the ground just short of where we lie. I notice a cloud of dark, dusty smoke racing our direction. Covering my mom, I tell her to take a deep breath. The cloud overtakes us. It is hard to breathe. I notice a crack in the garage wall. I can see through to the other side. I stick my face into the opening and take a breath of clean air. My mom does the same. Dream ends.

I wake up

Alien Artifact

Dream 10/18/2017

I break into a compound. It is some kind of cult. Hundreds of kids work diligently on their computers. I am looking for something. One of the kids points toward a desk. Under the desk is a grocery bag full of otherworldly journals. I believe these are alien. I can't take them now, I will be caught.

I come back later. I walk quickly up to the desk that hides the alien journals. A woman catches me. She is over this whole department. I sweet talk her. She likes it. I kiss her. She walks away. I grab the journals and walk quickly to the stairwell. Dream ends.

I wake up

Monday, October 16, 2017


Nightmare 10/16/2017

My mom, a few classmates and I are driving several hours away to a retreat. Half of my school is already there. We are driving in an RV that will house a few students when we arrive. On the way there, one of the students in the RV becomes possessed by a demon. He lunges at me. I grab him and say, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave." I do this several times until the demon is gone. Then, another student is taken over by a demon. Same thing. He chases after me as I say to him, "Out in the name of Jesus!" This happens several times on the way to the retreat. I know they are possessed when the color in their eyes disappear and all that is left is a black dot.

I know that we are there when a few new students climb aboard the RV. It is night. I walk down a road where several students are walking, including my sister Kristen. One student becomes possessed. My sister stands up to him. He grabs her and performs a suplex. Kristen lands on her head. I swear she is injured badly. I speak the name of Jesus Christ to the demon. I don't know what happens to the possessed man. Kristen is not hurt at all. Dream ends.

I wake up

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Guardian

Dream 10/15/2017

I'm watching Youtube videos when I come across a clip of Paul Gautschi (the man who promotes the back to eden gardening method) talking about encountering angels and demons in national parks. He says that one will encounter the spiritual beings there because it is further away from civilization, so there is less sin.

He even happens to capture angels and demons on camera. One clip shows two demons chasing a hiker until he gets to a building with a eight foot tall angel inside. I find this fascinating.

I tell my family about what I've watched as we walk down a neighborhood street. I then see the angel, from the video, walking in the same neighborhood. I grab everyone's attention and point him out. I ask if they see him. "See what?" they reply. I run up to the angel and make friends. His name is Kevin. He is eight foot tall and completely bald.

We walk through a dangerous neighborhood, my family and I. Kevin follows. We walk up to a house where the front door is elevated about three feet off the ground. We stand in the front door of the strangers house when Kevin says, "we need to go NOW!" We all move except for a girl named Melanie. She stands in the doorway with a sad look on her face. I climb up into the doorway and encourage her to come along because something evil is inside this house.

We ride our bikes down the same dangerous neighborhood. The neighborhood in which I grew up. I commentate as we ride. I point out where people used to live and where they live now. Justin lives there. Danny lives there. Kevin Follows.

All of us go to some kind of resort. The putt putt course here is so expensive that only the very rich can play. We walk through the resort, feeling like we don't belong, trying to get to the back. We pass the lobby, pass the pool area. Finally, we get outside. We walk around the place. I talk to Kevin. "So are you my mom's gaurdian angel too?" I ask. "No," he replies, "your mom's gaurdian angel is one named Barbara." "How do you get assigned to certain people?" I ask. "Well," he begins, "The way it works is that one angel will guard the children born for seven years and those will be theirs to guard. Then another angel will take the children born in the next seven years and those will be theirs to guard."

The rest of the family sits down on the ground around a Monopoly board. I sit down too. At this point, I think that my family can see Kevin. He starts talking to them, telling them of how commercial divers are harnessing demons to do the diving work for them. Dream ends.

I wake up

Friday, October 13, 2017

Nightmare Forest

Dream 10/13/2017

I'm on a country road. It is very busy. People are walking here and there, many of them my friends. On one side of the road is a forest. A buddy and I walk into the forest a bit. We get a good look into the vast jungle. What we see is very spooky. It looks like night although it is day. There is a grayish fog in the air that causes the trees to look rather ghostly. We know that this is the only spot that looks like this. The rest of the forest is nice.

I walk down the road and into the forest again. I swear this is the spooky spot that I entered before, although, it doesn't look scary. It is rather peaceful. The sun is shining down through the trees to reveal a calming river running through the woods. On the far side of the river are many log buildings. In the middle of this area is a colossal, dead tree. The limbs and branches that hang from it are larger than normal. This tree has seen many years come and go. I ask a nearby person if this is the spooky area. They ask the boy that is running the place. I don't get an answer.

Another friend of mine, Jordan, brings me to different part of the forest. He pulls back a branch so I can see. I look and see the gray fog and ghostly trees. It is almost like a spell has been cast. Fear enters my bones and chokes me up. Dream ends.

I wake up.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Fart Bottles

Dream 10/11/2017

I'm attending an internship in Texas called The Honor Academy. The director tells us that we have to get jobs. My friend informs me that there is an opening for an architects assistant. It's a job that everyone is going to want. The interns sit on the floor as the director speaks. He describes several jobs options that we can get, most notably, one that involves assisting in clearing mysterious wood chips that have appeared on Lakeland Avenue. Everyone wants this job.

The meeting ends. Those interested in the mysterious wood chip job, need to follow the director of that job. We walk through winding hallways with obstacles. Those who finish the obstacle course will be considered for the job. Many follow, few arrive. I stand at the end of the course with one other follower, my friend Sam. The director tells us that he will now choose. He tells me to go sit in a small open room next to the hallway. "The person that will be working with me is..." the director walks toward me and then quickly turns around, "...Sam!" What a bummer. I give Sam an unenthusiastic slow clap. Why would the director trick me like that? This is a major letdown. I feel sick in my stomach. All my life, I've never gotten the coveted prize. This is no exception.

The director walks with me. He tells me it was a hard decision but my resume was too good for the job. "What?" I interrupt, "my resume isn't good. I'm a college dropout who has mainly worked in fast food."

I walk to the lunchroom where a hundred interns are eating. I sit down at a busy table. The others ask what happened. I tell them that it came down to two of us and Sam was chosen. I walk out of the lunchroom for a second. On the way, I pass Wayne Knight carrying a pizza. I am a big fan of Seinfeld so I try to think of a line from the show to impress Wayne with. "Farkus!" I say. Wayne gives me a smile. Wait. In Seinfeld, Waynes name was Newman not Farkus. I try to think of something else to say. Ah! I will say "That is one magic loogie." He will love this line. Standing in the hallway outside of the cafeteria, I hear the voice of a boy say, "that is one magic loogie." What the heck. He stole my line.

I return to my table. Sam is now sitting here as well. Sam goes on talking about "Fart bottles." The table has become quiet. I turn to Sam and say, "what the hell are you talking about?" People look at me with disgust but Sam is the one talking about Fart bottles. I look at my wallet and find that my debit card and gift cards have been torn in two. I only have a few dollars. I will need to send for more money from my parents. Dream ends.

I wake up.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Dream 9/26/2017

I create a new game. I take a billiards table and transform it. The green table cloth now has several holes in it. Two big holes on the ends and one small hole in the middle. The two big holes are called "the mountain" and the small hole in the middle is "the source." I also plan to put several holes surrounding the middle hole called "the buzzards." The object of the game is to throw four dark blue or red billiard balls at once. The balls must hit the edge of the opposite side and then roll into the "source" hole. The balls must avoid the "buzzards."

I set up dozens of tables in my home and create a business out of my game. People come and play. They pay me money for my entertainment.

At one point, I am captured and taken to a building similar to a castle. I decide to escape. I help others who are with me. We make it out. I swim down a river. Underneath me are hammerhead sharks. I've heard that if you swim above hammerheads, they cannot see you because of the position of their eyes. I swim above them and have no issues. Dream ends.

I wake up

The Ghost In The Hall

Nightmare 9/24/2017

My family and I return to a house in Frankton, Indiana in which we used to live. The place seems stale and reeks of ghosts. All of us gathers in my mom and dad's old bedroom. Something is in the hallway. I close the door and lock it. I can see a shadow of something moving around outside the door. Dream ends.

I wake up


Dream 9/23/2017

My mom's dad just came back into her life. He is very tall. Standing next to him, I feel like a leprechaun. I drive around in my grandma and aunt's neighborhood but get lost. I try to keep driving to see if anything rings a bell as to where I am and how to get back. My mom calls. I tell her I am lost.

We go to a festival where the Foo Fighters are performing. They are playing under a pavilion. Dave Grohl is standing only fifty feet away.

I'm hanging out with my cousins at my aunt's house. We are all crowded around a TV watching a Foo Fighters/Marilyn Manson concert (at times it is Foo Fighters and other times it is Manson.) I don't feel like I belong in this group. There is an invisible wall that keeps me from connecting with my own family. While the others watch TV, I roam around the house and realize that this house is identical to mine. I tell the others, "hey, you guys have the exact same house as mine. Even all of your furniture is the same." I start pointing out the similarities.

My aunt and mom return home. I walk outside to greet them but two little puppy's escape the house. All of us chase the puppy's around the driveway trying to catch them. Dream ends.

I wake up

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Dream 9/23/2017

     My mom bought me a cat for $80.00. I love the cat. I named him Tandy. He is very mischievous. So much so that he pushes my mom's buttons. My mom becomes so annoyed with the cat that she gives him away without my knowledge. When I find out that he is gone, I am very angry. I go off on my mom. I cuss her out. "Why would you buy me a cat for $80.00 and then just a few weeks later get rid of him?" I loved that cat. And now he is gone.

     My oldest sister, Amy, tries to make me feel better by giving me a framed plaque of a college sports team. The coach on the plaque is my brother-in-law, Andy, but under his picture it reads, "Spicy." Amy tells me that I can't show this to anyone because nobody knows yet that Andy will be the coach. It's a secret. Dream ends.

I wake up

Friday, September 22, 2017

Natural Born Killer

Nightmare 9/22/2017

Somebody I used to know, a boy named Kirk, has told me of his evil intentions. He is going to come to school with a shotgun and party hardy. He wants a massacre.

The day comes.

My class is standing by the entrance of the school when Kirk pulls out his weapon. He starts shooting. Students run in every direction. I run outside. In the parking lot, there are several other students with guns shooting the running ones. I find out later that all of the guns are fake including Kirk's.

The day comes. For real.

Students from my class are standing in the senior hallway when Kirk pulls out his shotgun. He starts shooting. It's hard to explain the dread that comes with the thought that you are about to die. I slip by Kirk and run outside. He doesn't notice. I run across the street and the student parking lot to a field where I have a couple of tents set up. I hide until the madness is done. I can still hear the gunshots. Dream ends.

I wake up

Thursday, September 21, 2017

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

Dream 9/21/2017

     After being away, I return home to find a monstrous pile of books sitting in my driveway. Being an avid collector of books, I start going through the pile to see what I can find. I see a Goosebumps book. I make it my goal to find every Goosebumps here. I walk away for a moment and when I return, the pile of books is gone. Several people are standing outside, including many of my cousins. I find out that my dad boxed up all of the books to be taken away and recycled. I throw a quiet fit. My dad knows I am upset. In a gentle way, I let him know that I wanted to find all the good books in the pile before it was trashed. I walk away again. When I return, I see all the people, including my cousins, rummaging through the books, for me, to find the treasures (including Goosebumps.)

     The apocalypse has taken place. My family owns a decent sized farmhouse in the country. We plant trees on the outside of our fence but this isn't normal life trees, it's Minecraft trees. We put a plant in the ground and then Pop! within a second it is fully grown. We plant the trees in an unusual pattern. I hear a car driving by, which is unusual since most people in the world are dead. I flag the person down. It is a woman. She joins our household. Another day, I hear another vehicle. I flag them down. It is a married couple. They join our household as well. Our village is growing.

     My brother-in-law, Andy, and I take a drive to scavenge the town. I point out a golf course. "I like the way you think," Andy says to me. I'm thinking we could find some golf clubs in here to use as weapons. We pull up to the club house and notice that somebody is in there. Andy reverses the car and drives away, "we don't want any part of that," he exclaims. We drive into town. At one part in the town, there is a dirt bike track. I see people on it. They point our direction. I am nervous. We drive on.

     We make it to a grocery store. The store is full of shoppers. I find this odd as it is the apocalypse. Also, we have to pay for our items? That's bogus. I wanted to get the authentic apocalypse experience but now I can't because I have to pay for what I take? Andy has a food warmer on wheels and is using it as a cart. I find the Silk Almond milk. It is high on a shelf. I climb the shelf and it starts to tip. It completely falls over. I grab three cartons; chocolate, strawberry and zombie. That is literally what the carton of milk says, "zombie flavored." Andy is just ladling food into his warmer. It's looking like a jail house mash at this point. He asks if I am ready to go. I am not but I don't want to take up his time so I tell him that I'm ready. The cashier announces over the intercom that the news has predicted three earthquakes for today. What? I didn't think the news was still running. What kind of lame apocalypse is this? Dream ends.

I wake up

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

My Father's Business

Dream 9/19/2017

My dad and his wife have built a business. It is unclear what the business is. I visit his work one day. I have to admit, his workplace is huge. It looks like a warehouse the size of an airport. My dad and I walk up to the top story which houses many bedrooms. In my mind, I wish I could live in one of these rooms. The floor beneath my feet is not stable. I fall through the floor boards but my dad catches me. He lowers me down to the next floor.

I am near a room where scientific experimentation is occurring. I haven't been told to stay away from that area but I feel that I should. I walk down escalators to a basement. In the basement is a large room where two teams have just finished a soccer match. I have a water bottle but then I don't. The bottle ended up on the other side of the room. I walk over there and pick it up but then I see several bottles. I walk over to a storage closet and find dozens of boxes of soda and water. This is where the company stores their beverages for parties and functions. I have the feeling that I stole something from my dad's business. I carry on.

I walk to another basement. This basement is much darker, colder and more unsettling. It's reminiscent of the basement in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. Everything is disorderly and without purpose. I stand at the bottom of the stairs and drop some items from my hands. As I bend down to pick them up, my sister, Morgan, walks down the stairs. She sees that I am sad. She tries to comfort me. We talk about a man that works here named Jon. This basement is where Jon works but he is not here. We walk up the stairs. I walk through the workplace and see a man sitting in a cubicle. His name plate reads "Jon." Dream ends.

I wake up


Dream 9/18/2017

A group of boys from my school (a few grades below me) have all been killed. I am unsure if it was an accident or murder. One of the boys is the cousin of my friend, Derek. I come to school the next day. Derek is furious and upset. I've never seen him like this. The school calls all of the student body into the gymnasium. They discuss what happened and try to console us.

I walk out of the school. It is night and snow has covered the ground. I walk out to the student parking lot. Today, I have driven my large front-loader to school. I climb up into the loader and turn it on. I have trouble controlling it especially the bucket on the front. I accidentally drive forward and clip another persons vehicle. I get out to check the damage. The person has a small front-loader. No damage was done.

I drive down the road but have so much trouble controlling the machine. The bucket goes up and down and turns up and down. It is as if the machine is running itself. I drive down a road to a dead end. I turn around and go the other way. Dream ends.

I wake up