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Saturday, November 18, 2017


Dream 11.17.17

My sister is throwing a rager. I am not invited. In fact, she tells me that I am not allowed. It's fine. I don't want to come anyway. I walk through the room that they are setting up for the party. I go underground and walk through what seem like miles of hallways. The halls remind me of the underground tunnels that connect IU hospital and Riley. Dark. Concrete. Dimly lit. Uncared for. (By the way, if you are ever at IU or Riley and want some real fun, go to the basement and take the original tunnel. It's good for a creepy thrill).

Somewhere throughout the miles long hallway, a door leads me to my room. The pad is set up very slick. A room made for a king. Or a prince not allowed to attend a simple gathering. What is the deal with that, anyway? I am twenty-eight years old and they still treat me like I'm a child.... you know what... forget it... it's just a dream. Dream ends.

I wake up

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