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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Miscellaneous #3

Dream 10/31/2017

My dad and me are going to a movie. We never end up at a theater. We find ourselves in a large banquet room. The room is circular and has a hallway that wraps completely around.

I'm impressing my friends by rollerblading down a flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs is a pile of junk. I fly over it. I overhear my sister talking to my transplant coordinator. Everyone else can hear the conversation as well. I run up the stairs to where they are talking. I pull out a large knife and drop it to the floor where they stand.

My sister tells me that my friend Joel just dropped his list of top friends and I was on it. That means a lot to me.

Everyone is leaving. I run through the building grabbing items that belong to me. A few blankets on the stairs, a pair of jean shorts etc. My family walked down into the basement and then outside. I come to the basement door but get scared to go down there. I wouldn't be scared if my family was still down there but they are outside so that means that when I go down the basement stairs, I will be alone in the basement and that thought scares me. Dream ends.

I wake up

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