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Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Nightmare 10/18/2017

My family and myself are walking the streets of New York City. At one point, we look up and admire those two majestic World Trade Center Towers. Recently, the twin towers were bombed but didn't fall. A parking garage security guard tells us that one of the towers is not stable and is going to fall any day.

My family and I walk over to a Nathan's Hot Dog stand. I tell the vendor that I want onions, peppers, mustard and ketchup on my dog. I take a step out from under the hot dog umbrella and look up at one of the towers. I notice it swaying. Pedestrians and onlookers start to scream. The Tower is coming down. Not straight down but rather falling over like a giant tree.

We run in separate directions. My mom and I run toward the parking garage. The tower is falling our way. We dive to the ground at the outside wall of the garage. The tower hits the ground just short of where we lie. I notice a cloud of dark, dusty smoke racing our direction. Covering my mom, I tell her to take a deep breath. The cloud overtakes us. It is hard to breathe. I notice a crack in the garage wall. I can see through to the other side. I stick my face into the opening and take a breath of clean air. My mom does the same. Dream ends.

I wake up

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