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Thursday, September 21, 2017

It's The End Of The World As We Know It

Dream 9/21/2017

     After being away, I return home to find a monstrous pile of books sitting in my driveway. Being an avid collector of books, I start going through the pile to see what I can find. I see a Goosebumps book. I make it my goal to find every Goosebumps here. I walk away for a moment and when I return, the pile of books is gone. Several people are standing outside, including many of my cousins. I find out that my dad boxed up all of the books to be taken away and recycled. I throw a quiet fit. My dad knows I am upset. In a gentle way, I let him know that I wanted to find all the good books in the pile before it was trashed. I walk away again. When I return, I see all the people, including my cousins, rummaging through the books, for me, to find the treasures (including Goosebumps.)

     The apocalypse has taken place. My family owns a decent sized farmhouse in the country. We plant trees on the outside of our fence but this isn't normal life trees, it's Minecraft trees. We put a plant in the ground and then Pop! within a second it is fully grown. We plant the trees in an unusual pattern. I hear a car driving by, which is unusual since most people in the world are dead. I flag the person down. It is a woman. She joins our household. Another day, I hear another vehicle. I flag them down. It is a married couple. They join our household as well. Our village is growing.

     My brother-in-law, Andy, and I take a drive to scavenge the town. I point out a golf course. "I like the way you think," Andy says to me. I'm thinking we could find some golf clubs in here to use as weapons. We pull up to the club house and notice that somebody is in there. Andy reverses the car and drives away, "we don't want any part of that," he exclaims. We drive into town. At one part in the town, there is a dirt bike track. I see people on it. They point our direction. I am nervous. We drive on.

     We make it to a grocery store. The store is full of shoppers. I find this odd as it is the apocalypse. Also, we have to pay for our items? That's bogus. I wanted to get the authentic apocalypse experience but now I can't because I have to pay for what I take? Andy has a food warmer on wheels and is using it as a cart. I find the Silk Almond milk. It is high on a shelf. I climb the shelf and it starts to tip. It completely falls over. I grab three cartons; chocolate, strawberry and zombie. That is literally what the carton of milk says, "zombie flavored." Andy is just ladling food into his warmer. It's looking like a jail house mash at this point. He asks if I am ready to go. I am not but I don't want to take up his time so I tell him that I'm ready. The cashier announces over the intercom that the news has predicted three earthquakes for today. What? I didn't think the news was still running. What kind of lame apocalypse is this? Dream ends.

I wake up

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