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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Mad Man

Dream 12.26.2017

I'm walking through a parking garage heading for work. I step into an elevator and press the button with a 2 on it. Before the elevator doors close, a man enters the space. On the ride up, the man pulls out a gun. "Wow," I say, "that's cool." I try to be kind to the stranger in case he is a mad man. He tells me that he is going to confront his girlfriend. I think he is going to kill her. He is a mad man.

The stranger likes me for some reason, maybe it's because I was kind to him. He asks me to accompany him on his confrontation. I do, only because I am afraid of what he will do to me if I say no. I have a feeling that I will be late for work.

We make it to the top floor of the parking garage. We walk around the circular garage looking for his girlfriend. I am licensed to carry and I always keep a holstered 9mm on my hip loaded with hollow point rounds. I feel for the gun but it isn't there. Instantly, I know that I left it back at the elevator with my wheelchair. At one point, I tell the stranger that I need to get to work before I am late. He understands. I exit the situation. I head back to the elevator to get my gun.

I make it to the level below where the stranger walks. I notice several young guys who seem to have something on their mind, rushing toward the stranger. I walk by a few security guards sitting, talking at a table. Suddenly, I see the young guys chasing the stranger around the cars in the garage. The stranger makes it to me and hands me what looks like a Bursa Thunder .380 pistol. A gun that you could literally fit in your pocket. The stranger wants me to fight with him against the young guys chasing him.

I turn on the mad man. I aim my small pistol at his face and shoot. Although I hit him, he doesn't seem hurt. I shoot several more times at his face until he falls to the ground. He is then arrested and I am hailed as a hero. I walk to the elevator where I find my wheelchair and my gun. I fasten the holster to my belt and secure my pistol into it. A man stands nearby just staring in horror as if I am a dangerous criminal. I brush him off.

I finally make it to the elevator that takes me to my workplace. I am very late. I ring the buzzer. A voice comes on and starts yelling at me for my irresponsibility. I ask the voice to call down to the security department and ask them why I am late ( I'm hoping security tells them about the situation with the mad man). Since my boss is not letting me into work, I go for a walk.

While strolling down a sidewalk, I look up at a very tall tower. I can see large birds perched at the top. I wonder if there is such a job where people sit atop a tower and release birds to perch. And then, at the end of the day, bring the birds back inside to rest. That's a job I can do. Dream ends.

I wake up

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