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Friday, October 13, 2017

Nightmare Forest

Dream 10/13/2017

I'm on a country road. It is very busy. People are walking here and there, many of them my friends. On one side of the road is a forest. A buddy and I walk into the forest a bit. We get a good look into the vast jungle. What we see is very spooky. It looks like night although it is day. There is a grayish fog in the air that causes the trees to look rather ghostly. We know that this is the only spot that looks like this. The rest of the forest is nice.

I walk down the road and into the forest again. I swear this is the spooky spot that I entered before, although, it doesn't look scary. It is rather peaceful. The sun is shining down through the trees to reveal a calming river running through the woods. On the far side of the river are many log buildings. In the middle of this area is a colossal, dead tree. The limbs and branches that hang from it are larger than normal. This tree has seen many years come and go. I ask a nearby person if this is the spooky area. They ask the boy that is running the place. I don't get an answer.

Another friend of mine, Jordan, brings me to different part of the forest. He pulls back a branch so I can see. I look and see the gray fog and ghostly trees. It is almost like a spell has been cast. Fear enters my bones and chokes me up. Dream ends.

I wake up.

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