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Monday, December 8, 2014

It Happened On Sesame Street

Dream 12/8/2014

My friend Derek and I own a hot dog vending business. 

We decide to set up in front of a Starbucks where much foot traffic will take place due to a wedding. In order for the people attending the wedding to get to the reception, they must cross our path. 

Derek starts to set up the cart while I go into Starbucks and ask permission to set up in front of their store. I know the manager. I think he'll let me. I sit at the coffee bar. He comes over to me. I start to ask him but he interrupts me and tells me how much he likes my dad. He goes on and on. Every time I try to bring up the subject of the hot dog cart, he starts talking about my dad. It's hopeless. 

I leave.

I step out the front door to find the hot dog cart gone. I ask Derek about it. He tells me that his mom came and hitched it and took it to Shelbyville, Indiana. I ask him how that's possible when he was grilling on it. He couldn't have stopped her. 

He calls her. She brings it back.

I go back into Starbucks to ask the manager for permission once more. But once again he can't stop talking about my dad. He shows me a picture of him and my dad years earlier.

I leave Starbucks and walk down the street to get some air. Down the road are a line of row houses with turn of the century architecture. A bunch of people are making a commotion. "Look, it's sesame street," one man says. Sure enough, the street sign does say Sesame Street. Good to know. I always wondered how to get to Sesame Street.

I walk back to Derek. The hot dog cart is missing once more. Same thing. His mom took it. 
I decide to walk into the wedding reception, which has turned into a one woman show put on by Whitney Houston. She's standing in a wrestling ring singing about how she is in love with Quentin Tarantino. Dream ends.

I wake up

Crimes Unknown

Dream 11/20/2014

I'm in prison for crimes unknown. 

     The guards are opening the cell doors one at a time for the prisoners to go to breakfast. Prisoners are walking by our cell in droves. Our cell door is not open yet. A few tall, muscular and hostile-looking prisoners come by our cell and taunt my cellmate. They laugh at the fact that we have a welcome mat in our cell. I call one of the guys "dumbass." He tells me that he is going to beat me up when the door opens. I stand close to the door, I don't back down. It opens. I walk right up to them. They beat me up. They beat me up good.

     Off to breakfast or lunch or whatever it is, I find that the only thing the prison serves it's prisoners is ice cream. I grab a pint of strawberry.

     I go to the wardens office. We have something in common, we both attended The Honor Academy. We become friends. We talk about The HA and almost nothing else.

     My sister, Morgan, becomes imprisoned for crimes unknown. She becomes my cellmate. Morgan, the warden and I sit in our cell eating ice cream and talking about the year we spent in the Honor Academy. Dream ends

I wake up

Still Alive

Dream 11/15/2014

     My sister lives on the 75th floor of the south tower of the World Trade Centers. A plane crashes into the tower.

     I rush to her apartment to warn her. She is with her boyfriend. I tell her that we have to leave, a plane has crashed into the building and now it's on fire. 

     She doesn't seem to mind. She tells me that she's just going to stay there until everything blows over. I can no longer stay. I leave her behind. I make it back to the ground and watch as the south tower collapses with my sister in it. 

     My sister walks out, not a bruise on her person. We walk to the north tower which has smoke billowing out the top from the plane. Everyone is running out. My sister tells the security guard that she has left something in her apartment on the 75th floor and she needs to go get it. The security guard tells her that chips are on her left and soda is on her right.

     We start up. I tell her that we need to take the elevator so we can get up there and back down fast before this building falls. She wants to take the stairs. We take the stairs. About mid-way up, the walls start to shake around us. The building starts to collapse, and we go with it.

     We live. Sitting with the security guards outside, we watch as many other buildings fall to the ground. Our mom comes rushing out of the distance. We are so excited to see her. She is happy to see that we are still alive. Dream ends

I wake up