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Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Duel

Dream 2-15-14

I have a jetpack. I'm flying through a city. I come to the edge of the city where begins a desert wasteland. About a hundred yards into the desert is a hut. Hearsay tells me that the government will pay me to live there. I want to confirm this. Next to the desert is a very tall building. At the top is an open bar. I fly up to the bar and see an old friend of mine named Kirk. I ask him if I may speak to his boss. His boss and I converse about the hut. Everything works out. I have myself a new home.

As I live my desert life in the hut, I notice that a giant, evil robot is loitering on my land. I walk out to confront him. A duel begins. I choose my first set of weapons, two swords in either hand. I fight with the swords for a bit, but they do no damage to my metal foe. I then pull two handguns. At this time, a few robotic minions, no where near the size of the the giant come to attack me. I run down into a ravine to fight them off. After destroying the little ones, I turn my focus back toward the giant. I pull out a shotgun. We battle it out. From what I know, the fight continues today. Dream ends. 

I wake up.

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