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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My Girl

Dream 3/29/2017

     I work at a thrift store. Every time somebody brings in a guitar I have to check it out. I love guitars. I'm over in the guitar section looking at some of the new merchandise when some co-workers ask for help in the back. The backroom is a giant warehouse. At this time we are setting up a huge number of chairs for a ceremony. I help with the chairs but we don't have enough. That night a thousand people gather in the warehouse and find their seats. On the big screen, we watch the movie "My Girl." So much has been cut out of the movie. It's like watching a whole different movie. I stand up at the end and voice my complaint to the crowd about the movie.

     After everyone leaves, we have an end of the world party. A few of the guys go out to get some ice cream but get drunk instead. On their way back to the party, they crash the van and tip it. I decide to go out and get myself an ice cream sandwich at a nearby gas station. I get lost. I never return to the party. Dream ends.

I wake up.

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