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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Land of Lost Socks

Dream 3/29/2017

     My name is Tom. I'm a young child. I attend elementary school. Today is my first day. Somehow, my underwear gets dirty so I take them off. My teacher shows me to my seat next to a boy whom I deem a pest. I play with blocks with each letter of my name inscribed on them. I put them together to spell my name, Tom. I remember my dirty underwear. I need to hide them somewhere. Behind me is a cupboard. I need to hide them in the cupboard. I look over to my teacher. She is sitting in her rocking chair rocking back and forth. I slowly open the door to the cupboard but it makes a loud creaking noise. The noise grabs my teachers attention. I quickly move my chair back, slamming against the cupboard. I want her to think the noise came from me hitting my chair against the cupboard. She walks over and opens the cupboard. She pulls out a zip lock baggie with underwear in them. They aren't mine though. She announces to the class, "Whose dirty underwear are these?"

     The closet in the classroom is like an attic. It goes about a hundred feet and opens up to the hallway on the opposite end. It's really dirty so me and my nephews decide to clean it up. I hear my dad down the hallway in another classroom substituting. At the opposite end of the closet under a bunch of toys, I find pairs of socks that I lost a long time ago. I get the idea to pick up the major items in the closet and then have a Roomba vacuum let loose for a couple hours to get the rest. Dream ends.

I wake up.

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