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Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Dream 3/28/2017

     We live in a desert. We travel through the desert to a trailer where a couple of girls have a business. To make money they entertain guests with skits and fun stuff. After a couple hours, we decide to leave and return home.

     On our way home, we encounter a fleet of tanks owned by McDonald's. I run and hide in a nearby cave. I can see the tanks patrolling outside. One tank rolls over to the cave and sticks the barrel of his main gun inside the entrance of the cave and shoots, BOOM! The shot misses me. I am unharmed. He shoots again, BOOM! Once again, the shot misses me. He backs out of the cave and moves on. Another tank comes along, sticks the barrel of his main gun inside the entrance of the cave and shoots, BOOM! This time I am hit, but my injury isn't life threatening. I make a run for it.

     My house is on top of a mountain. If I can just make it home I will be fine. All of the patrolling tanks see me. At one point hope seems lost, then I start to fly. I fly up to a random house and hide for a moment on the roof where the tanks cannot see me. Then I take off again and fly up to my house.

     When I enter my home, I notice a group of people are lying down in the hallway. Some seem dead, others are moving slightly. When I walk over to the moving ones, the button "X" pops up on the screen. It's a quick time event. I push "X" and the person stands up and leaves the house. I do this until there is nobody left. I walk into the living room and see the girls from the trailer are sleeping on the couch. Dream ends.

I wake up.

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