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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Miscellaneous #2

Dream 8/9/2017

I'm on a football team. The team sits in a classroom. The TV is on. The coach asks me to push play on the remote control. I do. The projector starts a movie on the opposite side of the room. The coach asks, "what are you doing?" I am now confused.

My sister and a friend named Matt are trying to decide between two water slides. My sister is afraid of the big water slide but I convince her to try it. Matt goes before me. As soon as I see him at the end of the slide, I move into position. There is a stoplight to let riders know when it is safe to slide. The green light is lit. I slide. At the middle of the slide, I run into about fifty people who are sitting in place. I ask what they are doing. They are protesting something. Geez, everyone is protesting something today. I tell them that they are nuts and that the slide is going to collapse. I force my way through causes many riders to lose traction and slide the rest of the way. The staff forces the rest of them to come down. At one point, I shout, "you guys owe me three bucks for wasting my ride."

My friend, Kirk, is apart of a Jeopardy tournament being held at my school. He wins. Everyone is leaving the school. Kirk gets angry with my sister. He tells her, "I don't like how you tell people that you've won the tournament before, it was really hard for me." My sister needs a ride home. Something is wrong with her car. Kirk says it is alright, he can give her a lift. My friends Kirk, Tim and my sister and I ride with Kirk through downtown Anderson, Indiana.

At one point, we are out of the car standing on a street corner. On the other side of the street is a large, abandoned building. Kirk mentions how the main door has fallen off. Some of the building as crumbled but much of it is still standing. Many of the windows are broken. All of us try throwing a small basketball into the broken windows from this side of the street. When it comes to be my turn, I look both ways to make sure no cops are coming. When it is clear, I hurl the ball as hard as I can. It doesn't even reach the other side of the road. I feel like "Smalls" from The Sandlot. I say that there is no way to get the ball into the window.

We walk to the other side and check out the building. Kirk gets inside. I look inside the window and see that the lights are on. Then they turn off. I wonder is Kirk is turning the lights on and off. He walks out. While walking down some stairs, I notice an opening at the bottom of the building. I move around the opening to see. One could definitely get into the building through here.

All of us walk down the sidewalk. I see three kids that look like they attend Hogwarts. They all wear black robes. Suddenly, Kirk, Tim and my sister start running. They are racing each other. My sister falls down. I run and stand next to her as we are not in a good part of the town. Dream ends.

I wake up.

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