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Friday, September 1, 2017

Spy Game

Dream 9/1/2017

My family and me are at a lake. Many families are here. Surrounding the lake are mountains and forests. In the forest are cabins for rent. My family swims in the lake. At one end is a blob. Many teenagers are having fun on the blob. I am afraid to try it because of an accident that happened to me years ago involving one where my back was injured. My brother-in-law tries it out. He has fun.

Up the mountain a bit, we can see many buildings. A person that I am with has suspicions about the people living in those buildings. We spy on them and find them heavily involved in illegal activity. My brother-in-law and I use a device where we can stand far away but hear the intimate conversations between the criminals. The only flaw to this device is that it shines a bright light. After using it several times, the criminals catch on to our scheme. My brother-in-law stops pursuing the criminals. I keep the pursuit going.

I walk around the nearby forests and mountains. There are many pretty views in the area. I find another lake with a bridge across it. I decide to return to my cabin. I walk down the trail and pass an older gentleman on the way. He seems like a nice fellow. When I reach the cabin door, the old man and two younger men are right there behind me. They grab me and have a sinister conversation. They tell me to stop spying on them. The older man hints that they did something to my mom.

When they leave, I try to get into the cabin but all the doors seem to be locked. I go around back and find an unlocked door to the bathroom. I get inside. On every bed, there seems to be a person lying motionless under the blanket. When I pull the blankets from the bed, it is only pillows, until I get to my moms room. I pull the blankets from my moms bed and there she lies dead. Her head is inside a large, glass jar with liquid inside. The liquid is some sort of chemical concoction. I tell my mom to breathe. She wakes up from her death. She starts gasping for air. Her breath returns to her. Dream ends.

I wake up

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