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Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Head Full of Skin

Dream 1/7/2017

I'm babysitting a very fat toddler. The kid is obese. I have to keep a sharp eye on him because he keeps walking over to the staircase and trying to fall backward down the stairs on purpose. He may be trying to commit suicide.

My friends Matt and Aaron are throwing a house party. Matt shows me his sound equipment. State of the art. He's got a turntable, but instead of vinyl records, he's got cd's playing. My sisters and aunt are here. They are wasted. My aunt keeps telling us about a gathering tomorrow that we need to attend. I walk over to a group of people who are sitting down, one of them is the obese toddler, but he is much older. He's twelve or thirteen now. While the party continues, I sit alone at the dining room table and watch television. The reception is fuzzy on the TV. I can only half see and hear what I am watching.

The next day I attend the meeting my aunt invited me to. It's a Klan meeting. A Ku Klux Klan meeting. There are several people on stage in white robes. One of them looks like the pope. They are commemorating my aunt for something she did. At one point, the speaker urges everyone to walk over to another part of the room where many pictures hang on a wall. He mentions the significance of the pictures but they look like they've been drawn by an eight year old. I sit back down.

The speaker says, "These colored people think they deserve rights..." I interrupt with a round of obnoxious but purposeful applause. The crowd seems disturbed by my actions. The man next to me grabs me and squeezes my face until my teeth feel like they are going to break.

At the end of the meeting, the head honcho walks out of the building and I follow him. I intend to insult him when one of his guards, who is African-american, stops me. I start sweet talking her, "What if we go upstairs and we kiss and touch each other?" She tells me to meet her upstairs in five minutes. Dream ends.

I wake up

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