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Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Devil Plays Pattycake

Dream 1/1/17

In a far off dystopian future, a coup has formed to overthrow the government.

The coup is made up of several different factions and gangs. They come together to be stronger for their common goal.

Two neighbor guys take part in the riots in the streets, but everything goes wrong. The government is stronger than they ever predicted. The gangs crumble under the deadly arm of the government. The two neighbors run back home and pretend they never took part in the coup.

One neighbor has created a device out of his phone. Everything in his house is numbered and when he wants a particular item, he looks at the list and dials the corresponding number into his modified phone and that item is then brought to him by way of a robot. One day, he dials a number and hears talking on the other side, "hello," he says, confused and bewildered. The operator on the line informs him that the man that had this number before him was killed in the riots and this is his new number. The man is terrified, how did they find him out? or did they?

He runs to his neighbor who is eating at a restaurant with his family. He begins to tell the neighbor what happened when suddenly a group of police officers enter the restaurant for lunch. He immediately changes the subject so not to arouse suspicion among our men in blue. Dream ends.

I wake up

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