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Friday, January 13, 2017

Fixer Upper

Dream 1/13/17

     I know a girl named Heather. Her family owns a store/restaurant. The restaurant is in her home. I visit it. It's set up much like a hospital cafeteria. You get the food that you want and then you check out. I grab a Snickers bar. When I run my debit card at the check out line, the card comes back declined. It's embarrassing, "son of a bitch," I yell. I tell the cashier that I'll put the candy bar back, and I leave.

     My sister has just bought a new house. A fixer upper. A mansion that has been left to rot. She has our family and many of her friends over to fix the place up. My dad and I explore the giant house to see what treasures and secrets we may find. The place is falling apart. We must be careful where we step. Most of the family and friends are in the center lobby of the house on the second floor. My dad and I search for the attic. We ask my sister where the stairs are that lead there. She tells us. We look and eventually find them. I find a bunch of old clothes from the 80's and 90's era. I grab a retro sweater and tell my dad to wear it because it looks much like one he used to have. I dawn an old jacket as well. We stand in the balcony of the lobby room where everyone can see us. I yell for my mom to look. She does. Everyone gets a kick out of our new stylish rags. Dream ends.

I wake up

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