Dream 3/3/2015
Today is someone's birthday. It is a friend of my sister.
My sister's friend lives in France. Many people from my her class show up along with a few from mine. One of my best friends is here, Tim.
We walk around the house. I stay close to my sister. I'm always uncomfortable in other countries because I don't know their culture and I don't want to offend anyone with something that seems normal in mine.
I catch Tim and start a conversation with him. I ask him, "how is it that we were all able to afford this trip to France, after all, we just had a school field trip to Germany last week." Tim responds, "well, my family can afford it because we're rich but I don't know how yours came up with the money." He starts to explain to me that their is one class in high school that you must pass with flying colors or else you will be a deadbeat for the rest of your life.
It's around this time in the conversation that I notice that I am in a different place entirely. The place I am in looks like the motherboard of a computer. I wonder around a bit. It's huge. I'm like a small flea on a gigantic motherboard. I notice something strange. Just inside many of the doorways is a glossy film. I can't tell what it is. I walk and walk (I find I do this in a lot of my dreams). I just keep on walking. I walk until the sounds of life are far behind me.
I enter a room where a homosexual man is standing. He is attracted to me. He wants me. But I do not want him in that way. I run. He chases me. I run into a room the size of an auditorium. To the left of me is a playground slide. I climb onto it and lie down so that he doesn't see me. I hope he thinks that I just kept running and passes me by. I hear the door open. Silence at first and then I hear a thumping on the slide. I jump up and start running down the slide, only this is not a normal slide. It splits off into many paths and goes every direction. I pick one. It takes me to a factory where toys are made. I leave the slide and run. I just keep running. I turn corners and take doors in this gigantic maze. Anything to lose this guy behind me. I get so lost I know that he won't find me.
I come to a ramp that leads up to a glossy film. I know now that the film is a portal to another place. I run to it but it doesn't let me through. Instead, the floor starts to raise. One side and then the other. Sort of like a backwards 'Jacobs ladder.' A radio show comes on the intercom. The DJ's run a commentary on my situation. The floor keeps moving. One side raises and I run to that side, the other side raises and I run to that side. I am being lifted high into the air. Eventually it stops. In front of me is a portal. I jump through it.
I find myself in a large, dark room with many beds. The only light in the room is coming from a movie being played on the wall, via projector. But I'm the only one here. Dream ends.
I wake up.