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Friday, February 27, 2015

The Games

Dream 2/27/2015

Down a secret path, in a secret patch of woods, is a secret soccer field.

The barbecue is going. Friends and family from all over have come to have a fun-filled day of soccer and food. We play for hours. My team is called the 'ghosts.' We rub white powder onto our skin to make us look pale.

My mom wants to leave. Since she drove me, she wants to take me home to get my Jeep so that I can drive back or else someone will have to give me a ride home. I go with her.

I jump into my Jeep and head back toward the games. However, I forget how to get there. I start driving down secret paths in random woods. I get lost.

I take a path through a patch of woods and when I get into the open, I see people playing football. But it's not my family. There are sports fields everywhere, on my right and my left. I keep driving. I see tall fences with barbed wire on either side of me. I've somehow found my way into prison. I get out of my Jeep and start walking toward the front of the jail.

Today, in the prison, they are having sports day. All of the detainees are playing various sports and their families are sitting in the stands watching. I walk by a big, black guy and a small white, guy play a form of racket ball without the rackets. I listen in on their conversation.

The black guy says to the white guy, "you're the gay guy, right?"
The white guy responds, "yea."
"When do you get out?"
"Good," the black guy responds.
They continue playing their game.

I keep walking. Looking around me, I find that I am surrounded by criminals. Some of them are getting into fights. I get scared. I start running. A guard sees me running and thinks I am a criminal trying to escape. He chases me and tackles me to the ground. He sees that I am wearing regular clothes and jumps off of me. He picks me up and takes me to the warden.

The warden, a girl,  looks an awful lot like a nurse at my Dialysis clinic. She asks how I got into the prison. I tell her my story. It's all just a misunderstanding. My mom shows up to pick me up. The warden must have called her. Dream ends.

I wake up.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

There's No Place Like Home

Dream 2/24/2015

My family and I move into a new house.

We love it. We discover a big room that was hidden but whenever we go into it, we get a sick feeling in our stomachs. We stay out of this room. As time goes on, the room bothers us even more. The sick feeling has become one of evil. We feel an evil presence in that room.

One night, we decide to leave. My sister grabs her kids and gets them into the car. My mom and I are the last ones in the house. She walks over to the open door to the room to close it but then walks in and turns around and looks at me. Something is wrong with her eyes. They aren't her eyes.

She slams the door closed.

I try my hardest to get into the room. I try the knob but it won't turn. I cannot get in. Suddenly the door opens by itself. My mom is lying there on the floor lifeless. I go to grab her. But just then, her body levitates from the floor and is lifted into the sky where it disappears.

I run from the house and jump into the car. I tell my sister everything. We drive off.


Next to the house is the Amityville house. On the other side of the house is a mansion. The mansion is holding an open house today. My dad, sister and I decide to have a look. The place is packed with home buyers. We pretty much stick together. We walk into a study and on the desk find a pile of satanic verses. We wonder if this has something to do with the evil inside our house.

I split from the group and wonder upstairs. Their are countless staircases in this house, all leading to the same place. I find myself in the library, which is a big, open space. I find the famous music artist, Joel Levi, playing a guitar on top of one of the bookshelves. Granted, the bookshelves are pretty short. I notice that the shelves not only contain books, but also guitars. I grab a guitar and play alongside Joel. A crowd gathers, obviously not to hear me. Joel blows the crowd away with his poetic verses and inspiring voice. After awhile, the crowds begin to trickle down into just a few passersby.

I bid Joel a farewell and head on my way.


After a few days, my family decides that they like that mansion and want to make an offer. We drive back to the luxury house. We knock on the door. It opens. The person who opens it is none other than my mom. The air inside my body evicts. I don't know what to think. She leads us up to the second story of the house. She tries to get us to say the satanic verses. We decline. She presses us. As we say no, her appearance begins to change until she no longer looks like my mom but instead has the appearance of a demon.

An angel of God steps in so the demon does us no harm. He leads us to the attic of the mansion. He creates a window in the wall of the attic. Within the window, he shows us my mom. He tells us she is doing fine and is happy. He tells us that, like Jesus, she chose to give her life to save my family. Dream ends

I truly wake up.

Swimming with The Sharks

Dream 2/24/2015

We are at a public pool, only, this pool is a bit more sophisticated.

It's partly indoor and outdoor. The slide is actually a small building that you take the indoor stairs to get to the top. And if you want a real thrill, there is a cliff jump above the slide. Good luck.

I take the slide. It's packed with people. I crash into the water with super speed. I jump up in celebration. A bunch of older guys see me. They start pointing and laughing. I try to ignore them. I get out of the pool and they follow me. They grab me, push me to the ground and start kicking me. All because they believe I'm not cool enough.

Days later, my brother-in-law, Chad wants to go back to the pool. I tell him I don't want to but I don't have the guts to tell him why. Dream ends.

I wake up.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Home Sweet Home

Dream 2/19/2015
My family and me are searching for a new church and home. We can't find what we are looking for so we step through another dimension 
The land is bone dry. Red sand lay everywhere.
The family splits up. We all search on our own. I come across an old, abandoned farm. I walk into the house. I find no one. The house is full of furniture as if someone is living there. I think to myself, "this would be a good house to live in." 
Suddenly, evil spirits appear and start attacking me. I fight back. I know that I will not win, that I am going to die, so I run out of the house as fast as I can. I make it to safety. I look back to find that they are not chasing me.
I head toward the rest of my family.
I find them in a church. It must be Sunday because the pews are full of people. I realize this is one of those churches where everyone dresses up and they all say 'amen' in unison and everything smells like Winterfresh gum. I find a seat next to my sister. The preacher steps to the podium. 
Our mom stumbles down the middle aisle and passes us up. She looks at a group of strangers and slurs, "Isn't this place great." She had more booze in her than the Jersey Shore.
Embarrassed, my sister and I grab my mom and take her out a side door. "This is.. a really.. (burp) great place," she says as we leave. 
We continue searching for our new home. Dream ends
I wake up.


Dream 2/18/2015
The city, in which I stand, has been destroyed.
Buildings have been reduced to rubble. In the rubble we hide. We know it is coming. We feel the vibrations of it's footsteps. Boom. Boom. One after another, we feel it. Boom. Boom. It gets stronger and stronger.
We see it.
A Tyrannosaurus Rex. 
I watch the children as the warrior fights the giant beast. They fight. Blood falls. He slays the dinosaur. It falls dead to the ground. We celebrate with silence. 
Boom. Boom. Boom.
We feel it. We hear it. It's coming, again. We see it miles away, destroying buildings in its path. 
It's coming. Dream ends
I wake up.


Dream 2/11/2015

I'm the night security guard at a work site. 
Tonight, a large festival is happening on the site. I walk around and meet all the people. 
It gets late. Everyone leaves. I walk around an abandoned site. All alone. Dream ends.
I wake up.


Dream 2/10/2015

A boat is leaving to take mankind to another world.
My family and everyone I know make it to the boat. My friends Sam, Derek and I miss it. We figure we'll find a way to the other world somehow but until then, we're going to go through all of the abandoned houses and shops and take what we want. 
While looting a Bass Pro Shop, I find a baseball glove, bat and ball. The three of us decide to play an inning or two. We never figure out how to get to the other world. Dream ends.
I wake up.


Dream 2/9/2015

My mom, sister, sister's friend and I are visiting the witches district of the city.

My sister's friend is a witch herself. She needs to buy some things. We tag along.

We drive through the Jurassic Park gate, which is the entrance to the district. We walk around the different shops. All except for the witch feel like a fish out of water. I buy a bouncy ball.

Later on that day I visit a friend of mine. I have a crush on her but she has a boyfriend. I tell her about the witches district. She is amused. Both of us have our favorite treat with us. She has a smores candy bar. I have a peaches and creme-filled doughnut. We trade. I take a bite out of the candy bar and she takes a bite out of the doughnut. She regrets the taste and quickly hands the doughnut back to me. She takes the candy bar back. Dream ends.

I wake up.


Dream 2/8/2015

It's September 11, 2001. 
I visiting my sister and her husband. We hang around their house which is located right next to one of the World Trade Centers' 'twin towers.'
After the attacks on the buildings, we hear a loud rumbling, like a train. The tower begins to collapse. It damages the house. Dream ends.
I wake up.