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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

There's No Place Like Home

Dream 2/24/2015

My family and I move into a new house.

We love it. We discover a big room that was hidden but whenever we go into it, we get a sick feeling in our stomachs. We stay out of this room. As time goes on, the room bothers us even more. The sick feeling has become one of evil. We feel an evil presence in that room.

One night, we decide to leave. My sister grabs her kids and gets them into the car. My mom and I are the last ones in the house. She walks over to the open door to the room to close it but then walks in and turns around and looks at me. Something is wrong with her eyes. They aren't her eyes.

She slams the door closed.

I try my hardest to get into the room. I try the knob but it won't turn. I cannot get in. Suddenly the door opens by itself. My mom is lying there on the floor lifeless. I go to grab her. But just then, her body levitates from the floor and is lifted into the sky where it disappears.

I run from the house and jump into the car. I tell my sister everything. We drive off.


Next to the house is the Amityville house. On the other side of the house is a mansion. The mansion is holding an open house today. My dad, sister and I decide to have a look. The place is packed with home buyers. We pretty much stick together. We walk into a study and on the desk find a pile of satanic verses. We wonder if this has something to do with the evil inside our house.

I split from the group and wonder upstairs. Their are countless staircases in this house, all leading to the same place. I find myself in the library, which is a big, open space. I find the famous music artist, Joel Levi, playing a guitar on top of one of the bookshelves. Granted, the bookshelves are pretty short. I notice that the shelves not only contain books, but also guitars. I grab a guitar and play alongside Joel. A crowd gathers, obviously not to hear me. Joel blows the crowd away with his poetic verses and inspiring voice. After awhile, the crowds begin to trickle down into just a few passersby.

I bid Joel a farewell and head on my way.


After a few days, my family decides that they like that mansion and want to make an offer. We drive back to the luxury house. We knock on the door. It opens. The person who opens it is none other than my mom. The air inside my body evicts. I don't know what to think. She leads us up to the second story of the house. She tries to get us to say the satanic verses. We decline. She presses us. As we say no, her appearance begins to change until she no longer looks like my mom but instead has the appearance of a demon.

An angel of God steps in so the demon does us no harm. He leads us to the attic of the mansion. He creates a window in the wall of the attic. Within the window, he shows us my mom. He tells us she is doing fine and is happy. He tells us that, like Jesus, she chose to give her life to save my family. Dream ends

I truly wake up.

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