Dream 1/4/2015
A parade is coming through my neighborhood today.
It's being put on by the local elementary school students. I leave my mom, who is with me, and run ahead to see the rest of the festivities.
I run into some friends who I haven't seen in a long while, Phil and Jake. I stand around talking for a bit. Jake tells me that he has recently been to Sri Lanka and discovered that an avalanche will soon be coming to the country. He sounds regrettable about the whole thing.
As we continue in our conversation, something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. I give my full attention to it. It's a plane falling from the sky! Tumbling down through the air until it hits the earth. BOOM! A large explosion comes. Everyone is startled. Panic ensues. I look up to find many objects falling all around. People run in every direction.
The only thought that comes to my mind is my mom. I run back toward the direction in which I left her, covering my head so not to be injured from the falling debris. I look up and run forward. Look up and run forward. I see her in the distance. Our eyes meet. We find each other, neither of us is harmed.
We make it back to our house and find our way to the basement. We figure we'll be safe there. A though begins to build in both our minds. My sister and her four kids were out to McDonald's when the plane crash happened. Is she alright? As soon as silence fills the outside air, we leave in search for my sister.
We get to McDonald's and see her car. It's empty. We search the area until finally we see her. She steps out of a friends car along with her four kids. They are safe. Dream ends
I wake up