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Thursday, May 18, 2017

In & Out

Dream 5/18/2017

A couple of my friends and I sneak into a club for boys and girls in downtown Louisville. The club is the boy scouts except it is co-ed. We climb the gates and blend in with the other boys and girls. It is dinner time at the club so we step into the food line. As we get closer to the food, I notice that each club member is handing over an envelope to the cook. I suppose that is some kind of identification to verify they are true club members. The other two guys and I step out of line and walk into the main part of the building. One of my friends has to go to the bathroom. He sneaks upstairs and finds one. Both friends stay upstairs for an extraordinary amount of time.

I decide I am going to leave this place before I actually get caught. I go back to the gate that we climbed earlier and now there is barbed wire lining the top of it. From what I can tell, there is no way out. I grab a blanket and lie down on the floor where all the other club members are lying, watching a movie. My friends still have not returned from upstairs. I make the decision in my head that I will leave this place, one way or another, at 2:00 AM when everybody is asleep.

The TV in which the club members are watching breaks so they bring in another one. They put this TV on the other side of the room so their gazes are looking away from the gate. Since my friends haven't returned, I make the decision that it is time to leave. I find a way through the gate instead of over it. A CCTV camera has captured me leaving but I don't care.

Later, I come to find out that my two friends have sold me out. They took money in exchange for me. They were going to hand me over to the club authorities. Lucky I got out in time. Dream ends.

 I wake up.

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