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Monday, March 12, 2018


Dream 3/11/2018

I have dialysis treatment. The clinic is inside an arcade. Earlier, I played a game in a secret corner of the arcade. The game wanted me to place three objects in the right order; a lion (yellow), electricity (blue) and fire (red).

Halfway through my treatment, I do something in which I am not supposed to do. I unhook myself from the dialyzer machine. Much of my blood is still in the device and will most likely clot. The lack of blood in my body causes me weakness.

I walk to the arcade game in the secret corner. After a few tries of putting the three objects in the wrong order, I finally get it correct. For my reward, I am given a car in another arcade game that looks like a leopard made by Hot Wheels.

I leave the clinic/arcade and find myself on a dusty road in the middle of nowhere. My weakness is causing me trouble. I hitch a ride from a passing stranger, who takes me back to a different clinic. I walk through the door, where the nurses can see me, and collapse onto the floor. "I need treatment," I say in a hushed but urgent voice. Dream ends.

I wake up

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