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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Michael Follows

A Nightmare From The Past

My family and I take a trip to a hotel. When in our room, Michael Myers, the slasher, shows up. We shoot him in the head. Thinking that he is dead, we leave.

The Family splits. They go east. I go west toward Missouri, but it's a mistake. I walk under a bridge and find a load of books on the concrete. I take a book that tells me something about Michael and his power and origin. A homeless man becomes angry that I took his text. Another gentleman comes and helps the argument. I'm allowed to have two books. The homeless man and the mediator walk over to the busy highway and start acting in a movie scene. I move along.

Near the sidewalk where everyone walks, I see Michael in civilian clothes but still wearing his mask. I run. I run for my life.

My family reunites at another hotel. We stand on the balcony. Looking a few floors down, we see Adam Sandler on a lower terrace. Without warning, three beautiful women on higher balconies jump off and fall to Adams. I feel that something is wrong. We grab the kids and run to the elevator. During the ride down, my brother-in-law is possessed by Michael. We escape him. We run throughout the hotel trying to make it outside.

In the end, we find ourselves at a church in the countryside where a wedding is taking place. I help an old man to his van, but it's not his vehicle. We click his beeper and a car at the corner of the gravel lot lights and sounds. In his car, I find an arsenal of guns. I take two large silver pistols and run into the church. I break up the wedding and tell everyone to leave. Michael is coming.

Michael comes, but this time he is a dark, flying demon. All who is there load up with guns from the old man's car. I grab a shotgun. Michael floats around the rafters of the church. I shoot at him several times, aiming for his face. I feel that if I shoot him in the face, it will kill him for good. We continue the firefight. I run out of slugs for my weapon. I run back out to the car to load back up again. This shotgun is strange, It releases a cartridge to load several different sized slugs into. I've never seen anything like it. When I return to the fight, I shoot Michael in the face. He disappears. I don't see him again after that. Dream ends.

I wake up

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