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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Demon In The Shed

Nightmare 7/19/2017

I've joined a two month long internship. The internship takes place at a house in the country. My job is to make calls to people although I don't know why I am calling them. I stand in a dimly lit bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror with a headset on my head making calls. Someone picks up on the other line. I start to tell them that I am a representative from Global Expeditions, then I hang up. I forgot. Global Expeditions was the last internship that I attended. I still can't remember the reasoning for calling people.

Some girls from the internship run inside the house. They say we need to come with them. We walk outside. At this point it is night. They lead us to an old shed about fifty yards from the house. They open the door. We all feel something sinister here. We know there is a ghost or demon inside, hiding somewhere in the darkness. I speak. Suddenly a gust of wind inside the shed blows and there appears two figures. We quickly slam the door and run.

Later on, we talk about what we saw. One of the interns believes that one or two people need to stay the night in the shed. I don't see the purpose in that idea.

Days later, the demon in the shed has possessed everyone in the internship but me. We are in another building now. Everyone acts like the demons from "The Evil Dead." They won't let me leave. At one point, all the interns leave the room but lock the door behind them. I find a couple of old fashioned brass keys. I try one. It doesn't fit. I try another. It turns. The door unlocks. I am free.

I quietly make my way down the hall and out the front door. I steal a snowmobile out front. Although it isn't snowing, the vehicle seems to be moving along at a rapid speed. I drive for miles and miles until the snowmobile stops working. Then, I see someone from the internship. It is a robot. He looks human due to the skin and exoskeleton but he is not at all human. He helps me fix the vehicle. I guess demons can't possess robots. He tells me that everyone back at the internship is okay now. I climb back onto the snowmobile and ride away. Dream ends.

I wake up

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