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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Running Scared

Dream 8/29/2015

I'm in a drive-thru at a fast food restaurant with my cousin, Deeje.

It's winter. Snow has blanketed the ground. Three strangers walk up to my truck. I suspect that they have had too much to drink or are on pills because one of them sticks his head in my window while the other two laugh about it. I push him out and try to drive forward. They start  throwing snowballs at me and my cousin. Snow and water drench the interior of my truck. My anger becomes too much to restrain. I rev my engine. They act like they're scared. I take off in their direction and run over the youngest of the three. He isn't dead, just badly injured.

I get scared. I fear that I am going to prison for a long time. My cousin and I forget our food and take off.

Suddenly, there is no more snow. Suddenly, we are no longer in our truck but on foot. We pass a nice sea food restaurant. Everybody knows its the best in town. Deeje says that he sees somebody that he knows in there. We enter the restaurant. I'm still afraid to be caught for my crime. Deeje finds his friends and talks with them. They are four elderly people. Deeje runs into the girls bathroom and locks it. I say, "what are you doing, having your period in there?" Then, out of the blue, Walter Matthau walks past me toward the mens room. He mumbles something as he goes but I can't make it out. Dream ends.

I wake up 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Birthday Boy

Dream 8/20/2015

It's my birthday.

Lot's of stuff happening today. Me and some family members are shooting guns in the backyard. I drop a loaded 9mm on the ground. Thankfully, it didn't go off and maim someone. Random people are showing up at the house, mostly my sisters friends.

My dad says it's time to go to my moms. So I head that way. When I get there, my mom and I leave for an undisclosed location. I know there is a surprise party planned. Over the years I've become an expert at knowing when a surprise is afoot. All the classic signs have been signaled.

We walk into a large building and enter a gymnasium full of people. Nobody says anything 'til about thirty seconds in and then "SURPRISE!!!" A choir and orchestra start the familiar song, "Happy birthday to you..." I don't know what to do or how to act. I knew a surprise party was coming but I didn't expect it to be this big. Having a little more time to take things in I notice the gym is decorated in items from my childhood.

I start to think about all the presents I'm going to get today. I sit in the bleachers next to people I don't know. I find it odd. I'd expect a king's throne or something, I mean, I am the man of honor, it is my day of birth after all. The MC tells everyone that under their chair is a free encyclopedia. He then goes on for minutes on how to use it. My mom is sitting a few people down from me. I want to move to where she is but I don't want to offend the people sitting next to me..

A lady comes by with a huge bin full of presents, it's only a fraction of what I really got. She says, "okay, which one of you is Keith." Does she really not know who I am? How is that possible? I'm the birthday boy! Dream ends.

I wake up

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Dream 8/6/2015

A bunch of us guys make little figurines out of glass and clay in our friends house. It's a business.

One of the workers becomes a little too rowdy for my friends taste so he is asked to leave. The man leaves but returns later looking like Brandon Lee from the movie "The Crow." He stands against the wall in his black trench coat and face paint. Only difference is that he is extremely skinny. Scary skinny. Like a cartoon with human skin. The man goes on a rampage in the house breaking everything in sight. I sneak out to an upstairs balcony. I grab a nearby drain pipe and slide to the ground. I run to the front of the house and get into a car but by then the skinny crow man is subdued by my friend and John Heard, the actor. Dream ends.

I wake up

Back on Track

Dream 8/6/2015

A friend of my sister asks my mom and me to go with them on a road trip to Fort Wayne, Indiana.

     We take separate cars. My mom and I ride in her Prius and everyone else is in the other car. We get on the road and my mom starts talking to someone in the backseat. But it's just the two of us in the car. She tells this person how the principal at her school used to be mean to her.

     She gets distracted and we lose our friends in the car in front of us. We don't know where they are. We speed up to try and catch them but we come to a "T" in the road. My mom calls to ask where we should go. They say to turn left. We're back on track. Dream ends.

I wake up.


Dream 8/6/2015

A girl is possessed by a demon.

Her eyes change colors and her voice deepens. She speaks continuously in a language which I've never heard. I think it's Sumerian.

We lay our hands on her and cast the demon out in the name of Jesus Christ. The demon doesn't like this. She fights back. We lay our hands again on her and speak to the demon. We tell it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. It leaves. Dream ends.

I wake up.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Screamin' Eagle

Dream 8/5/2015

Screamin' Eagle is a trick accomplished only with a bike and a steep hill.

Several people are flying down the hill trying not to crash their brain buckets into a tree on the way down. Their are two steps to the trick. As you shoot down the hill, you must first stand up on your pedals, then let go of the handle bars and spread your arms in the wind, like a Bald Eagle. I sit on my beater bike at the bottom of the hill awaiting my turn. A group of girls pass by giggling. I want so badly to impress them, so I climb to the top.

I sit there with a rumble in my stomach and fear in my eyes. People are watching me. The steed rolls forward until I am in a full out downhill jam. Scared out of my mind, Too fast to think, I stand up on the pedals but can't find the courage to spread my wings. Dream ends.

I wake up.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Dream 8/1/2015

I arrive at my high school one morning a few minutes before the first bell.

     If you get to school a little early, you can sit in the bleachers and talk with friends. A man that we don't recognize stands in front of the students. He says that for now on, we the students will have to remain completely silent when sitting in the bleachers before school. The students are not happy. We barely get any time to relax and talk throughout the school day and now they're going to take one of the only times that we can talk and say we can't. The students pull out their cell phones and call the office to complain. A few minutes later a voice comes over the intercom and tells us that do to much complaint, the "silence rule" will not be implemented. The students unanimously let out a roar of elation.

     The school day begins. I need to grab a book from my locker and head to first period, Bible class. My locker is a train wreck. I lack basic organization skills. Most of my books are jammed at the bottom of the locker. I can see many of them are torn up and abused. I grab what I need and walk to class.

     I know I am running late because the hallways are mostly empty. I can feel the final bell ringing at any moment. In a moment of desperation, my walk turns into a full sprint. I just might make it. When I get there I am met by an empty classroom, a handful of students, and no teacher. This is odd. The class is usually full to the brim. My first thought is that I am in the wrong place. Then the intercom comes on. A lady's voice is heard throughout the halls and classrooms of the school. The lady on the other end tells us that they have found a military machine outside the school that they believe to be a bomb, and that all students need to stay where they are. We can see the machine from the windows of our classroom.

     I still wonder where the students are. Did they know something that I didn't? Are they the smart ones? I would think so. If there is a possible bomb anywhere near you, the smart people disregard orders to stay. Why is nobody panicking. The rest becomes fuzzy. Perhaps the bomb went off. Perhaps it didn't. Maybe I am just a tiny bird ready to peek my head over the edge of the nest to get a fresh look at the world. Suppose I woke up and their was no sun and I spent my days wondering whether it was day or night. I've been here before, I know it. This place is too familiar to be strange. I can't seem to find where it fits in my past, but I know I've been here. Perhaps the bomb went off. Dream ends.

I wake up.