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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Screamin' Eagle

Dream 8/5/2015

Screamin' Eagle is a trick accomplished only with a bike and a steep hill.

Several people are flying down the hill trying not to crash their brain buckets into a tree on the way down. Their are two steps to the trick. As you shoot down the hill, you must first stand up on your pedals, then let go of the handle bars and spread your arms in the wind, like a Bald Eagle. I sit on my beater bike at the bottom of the hill awaiting my turn. A group of girls pass by giggling. I want so badly to impress them, so I climb to the top.

I sit there with a rumble in my stomach and fear in my eyes. People are watching me. The steed rolls forward until I am in a full out downhill jam. Scared out of my mind, Too fast to think, I stand up on the pedals but can't find the courage to spread my wings. Dream ends.

I wake up.

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