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Tuesday, September 7, 2021


     Within the walls of my relative's house, an unsettling presence lurks. A creature, elusive and mysterious, scurries through the hidden recesses of the couch's cushions. Its rustling echoes like a secret whispered in the dark corners of the night. But this is not the first encounter with the uncanny that this dwelling has seen.

     Earlier, I had the fortune or misfortune, depending on one's perspective, to stumble upon a diminutive raccoon—a tiny creature no larger than a mouse. Captivated by its unique essence, I carefully ensnared it, confining it within the confines of a glass tube, an odd trophy of my curiosity.

     Yet, as if summoned by the strange magnetism that pulses through this family abode, another member of our kin emerges, clutching the newly apprehended couch-dweller in their grasp. Is it a squirrel or a ferret? The answer eludes us, its true nature veiled by the whims of the fates.

     Amidst this peculiar spectacle, I find myself drawn to the presence of my grandmother—a figure who seems to exist in a world uniquely her own. A cigarette dangles precariously between her fingers as she shuffles through a deck of playing cards, her weathered hands etched with a lifetime of stories. The air hangs heavy with the scent of tobacco, mingling with the electricity of the unknown.

     My gaze drifts downwards, capturing the image of the tiny trash panda, sprawled on its back, limbs splayed in every conceivable direction. Its vulnerability tugs at my heart, urging me to seek solace in the embrace of nature's embrace. And so, with a decision forged in the crucible of empathy, I resolve to transport the diminutive creature outside, allowing it to bask in the revitalizing touch of fresh air.

     Together, we step into the world beyond the confines of four walls, the creature nestled safely in my hands. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation, as if the very universe holds its breath, awaiting the unfolding of this peculiar tale. And as we venture forth, I can't help but ponder the profound connection that binds us all—the living, the curious, and the enigmatic—in this ever-unfolding tapestry we call life.

I wake up.

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