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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Bigfoot Comes To Manhattan

Dream 10/12/2016

Standing on some large rocks near a harbor, along with a group of classmates, I look into a nearby forest and see three Bigfoot. They aren't the size that I expected, quite small actually. I start cautiously walking over to where the wooded area begins. A few men from my class run directly to the Sasquatches. The animals become territorial and start to growl. As the men run back to the class, I look one Sasquatch in the eye and beat my chest. It becomes violent and runs toward me. I run away, passing my class up. The beast retreats back to the forest.

As my class walks behind me, I start climbing the World Trade Center, but notice that one of the towers is laying down and pieces of the building is broken up. I hear newscasters talk about the towers and an event that happened or is happening. I climb down and find my car. I drive away from the WTC, but as I do, I feel a rumbling. In the rear view mirror, I can see the remaining tower collapsing and a wave of darkness rushing toward my moving vehicle. The cloud of dust and debris overtakes me. I can't see enough to drive, so I stop completely.

Suddenly, I am no longer on a street but in a luxurious hallway. Possibly a fancy hotel. As I exit the building, I run into an old friend, someone I haven't seen in years. He is holding a new baby. The baby has brown, almost burnt skin and several white spots along her body. Actually, to be completely honest, she looks no different than a large, soft pretzel. My friend and I finish talking and then I exit the building. Dream ends.

I wake up

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